
Pizza Uno


8 Reviews



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Pizza Uno Reviews


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  • Aleida


    I may't believe I just discovered Pizza Uno today! Pizza Uno acts Italian meals such as for example pizza ((as stated in the title), antipasti like tomato bruschetta, salad and so forth. The food that basically sticks out in Pizza Uno may be the desserts and specifically their Tiramisu, which expenses RM15. It's shaped since a small circular cake and is fairly expensive, but really worth the price.

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  • Satria Budi Wibawa


    This Pizza Uno is situated near commercial establishments at the section of Taipan where it's actually no problem finding parking, therefore i love coming right here. The hostess (or she may be the boss, I'm not too certain) may be the same lady that is greeting me on the door for days gone by 4 years roughly and I believe that's quite neat, it's like getting greeted by a vintage buddy whenever I come right here for a meal. So the location is named Pizza Uno normally the pizza's listed below are amazing. I generally obtain the half and fifty percent it's no more than RM8 - RM10 distinction from the standard pizzas and you also get 2 different pizza toppings, range is definitely a good thing with regards to foods don't you agree? Their signature desert may be the tiramisu and rightfully therefore, it's moist with the proper stability of bitter and nice flavors. There is also a number of flour-much less cakes, but in the event that you are searching for something a bit more sinful you then should attempt their chocolate brownie with ice-lotion, it's heavenly. The brownies is definitely served hot and it's moist topped off with a big scoop of creamy vanilla ice-cream. Given that may be the only solution to end meals here.

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  • Eleonora Lina Tjandri


    I actually've been heading here given that they started away as a little ground floor store lot opposing McDonald's within Taipan and when there's a very important factor that hasn't changed through the entire years may be the quality of the meals. Despite starting up a fresh 3 storey outlet directly behind their original shop and a whole completely new store in Taman Tun Dr Ismail, the meals has remained exactly the same. Both dining places have got spacious interiors and the Taipan wall plug has especially higher ceilings. In Taipan, in the event that you come for supper, parking is really a breeze. Generally it's pretty no problem finding a spot right beyond your restaurant. The pizza's listed below are absolutely nothing to brag about but what really sticks out this is actually the Seafood Risotto and the Ravioli. The seafood risotto can be creamy and includes chunks of white seafood,a lot of calamari,tiger prawns and mussels. When i had been a youngster i used to collect the mussels merely to place into my aquarium because i although fish would enjoy getting a little bit of the sea within their container haha. (Lame,i understand) The Ravioli right here comes filled with a poultry ham and cheese filling,swimming in a lotion centered tomato sauce. It preferences the same as a lighter edition of the Chipotle sauce they assist in Subway. For dessert i would recommend their Panna Cotta with Strawberry compote or their well-known Flourless Chocolate Cake.

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  • Hayme Atlamaz


    I actually've used to visit the Taman Tun branch until We heard from my pal this one has been better and the services is also faster. Therefore, I got a stroll right down to Subang with my pal. Yes, what he described was real, the service here's indeed faster and much better too. So I ordered our usual the margarita pizza and this individual went for the spaghetti napolitana if im not really mistaken. In just a matter of mins, the meals arrived. I furthermore forgot to say I ordered garlic breads which taste superbly tasty! Not to your investment pizza crust was additional crispy plus they were actually generous with the basil sauce. I would definitely go back to this branch however the only problem is really a bit too much from my home!

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  • Njel Bru


    I may't believe I just discovered Pizza Uno today! Pizza Uno acts Italian meals such as for example pizza ((as stated in the title), antipasti like tomato bruschetta, salad and so forth. The food that basically sticks out in Pizza Uno may be the desserts and specifically their Tiramisu, which expenses RM15. It's shaped since a small circular cake and is fairly expensive, but really worth the price.

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Pizza Uno Location

No. 5, Jalan USJ 19/4 UEP 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

Pizza Uno is located at No. 5, Jalan USJ 19/4 UEP 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Subang Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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