
SWAG Bar & Grill


2 Reviews



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SWAG Bar & Grill Reviews


2 Reviews

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  • Dinda Siahaan


    First time I actually heart the SWAG word, We felt clueless and disgusted simultaneously. But this time around it's different because it's not concerning the word or individuals but it's about the food items and location. Swag Bar & Grill is just about the swagger location among all ( I desire I don't used that phrase but I must) Actually this place isn't Swag at all and it's great. All of the decorations and home design are therefore classy which makes the around cozy as it could possibly be. I heard all of the furnitures are usually imported from Phillippines. Are you aware that drinks, this location is provide various kinds red wines and whitened wines. For all those wine fans, this location is for you personally guys to use up for. The menu was very long but I simply listed the meals that I acquired that day. The Poultry Cordon Bleu is strongly suggested. You will be the cheese melting in the covering as you consider your very first bite. There're burgers that named SWAG and YOLO. I'm not kidding you. That is severe. I tasted the SWAG and it's therefore delicious. Are you aware that YOLO, you need to be brave sufficient just to have a bite of it. Depart the SWAG lifestyle and obtain the real ones at this place. You earned't regret it.

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  • Fadhila Rachmawati


    First time I actually heart the SWAG word, We felt clueless and disgusted simultaneously. But this time around it's different because it's not concerning the word or individuals but it's about the food items and location. Swag Bar & Grill is just about the swagger location among all ( I desire I don't used that phrase but I must) Actually this place isn't Swag at all and it's great. All of the decorations and home design are therefore classy which makes the around cozy as it could possibly be. I heard all of the furnitures are usually imported from Phillippines. Are you aware that drinks, this location is provide various kinds red wines and whitened wines. For all those wine fans, this location is for you personally guys to use up for. The menu was very long but I simply listed the meals that I acquired that day. The Poultry Cordon Bleu is strongly suggested. You will be the cheese melting in the covering as you consider your very first bite. There're burgers that named SWAG and YOLO. I'm not kidding you. That is severe. I tasted the SWAG and it's therefore delicious. Are you aware that YOLO, you need to be brave sufficient just to have a bite of it. Depart the SWAG lifestyle and obtain the real ones at this place. You earned't regret it.

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SWAG Bar & Grill Location

Pj Palms Sports Centre 1, Lorong Sultan, Pjs 52 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

  • Classy

SWAG Bar & Grill is located at Pj Palms Sports Centre 1, Lorong Sultan, Pjs 52 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Hot Dog restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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