
Koko Restaurant


9 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Koko Restaurant Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • Edwina Kusumandari


    Already been there during Aug 2018. Very bad encounter to presenting our dinner right here. The dinner will be okay, but milo ais may be the worst that I've up to now... the worst may be the service! U aren't allow to ask queries in this restaurant! We waitedour foods for an hr** and we simply wondering just how long we going to wait around somemore thus we ask the waitress. A man from your kitchen is arriving and response that “we shall not know, is typical to wait, a couple of hour more probably, whatever.. u desire to cancel just cancel!” But one dish of our meals come from then on thus we just taking in but another dish of foods is not developing after 20minute so we ask if they lose out another order? Compared to the guy from your kitchen coming out once again with his angry encounter n mentioned “why everyone not really complaining but u continue complaining!” Very rude staff.... will not advocate having meals at right here.

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  • Aya_nufus


    It is extremely unique place. They offer breakfast and dinner. I'd recommend trying dinner. Anticipate to wait for half an hour roughly, everything is prepared from the scratch. They inform you what's the catch of your day delivered by fishermanand it is possible to select what sauce to consume it with. Curries you can find really delicious and there's a proper vegeterian choice as well. Coco's also offers great ambience and incredibly friendly stuff. That is clearly a must visit put on the island!!!

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  • Normen


    This restaurant is crucial try because I felt is indeed much more worthwhile compared to the KBC restaurant. We discovered this by chance. We ate two times here for dinner. The girl boss bit uncheerful however the Malay man server is as helpful and ascheerful as you need. Good service since they explained the meals and the may be long waiting period. Ordered kokonut curry poultry , curry and lovely and sour poultry. The best continues to be the kokonut curry poultry. The curry fish furthermore taste good as well with brown thicker searching curry than regular curry we had. Atmosphere is the greatest plus they have bonfire best beyond your restaurant and we relax. Very quiet and great atmosphere. Good meals and expertise, the waiting period is less than one hour during peak supper I think improved compared to the KBC restaurant. Well worth the wait as the local dish will be good.

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  • Irena Susanto


    We were getting excited about our go to in Koko. The positioning was ideal, it appeared chilled and the menus featured few Malay meals in reasonable costs. It seemed perfect! Nevertheless, reality was definately not it. The meals was inadequate. Few pieces of seafood orchicken floating on watery sauces that tasted like they arrived of a jar. Bad food and not value! Shame!

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  • Ipoet Kusumonegoro


    Visited here not that busy. Asked could we've a few beers ahead of supper told by waitress we'd have to head to bar to purchase drinks. The bar will be on the seaside about 10 mts apart. Now it had been not that people weregoing to possess some cocktails it will be simpler for her merely to hands us the cans of beer. But that has been not her job. It is a standard Asian trait. Therefore we walked to the bar and obtained our beers. The barman disappears we needed a refill. We waited and waited. Ultimately I walked to him in eating place and asked could we've a beer. His reply not really rude but I'm really busy helping as a waiter. Ultimately we came back to the DESIGNATED section of the bar to move us two cans of beer. We after that ordered our food 2 mains of Curry and a prawn dish. Today the restaurant had not been crowded but the services had been rubbish. We waited over 45 mins for the meal to be offered. As did almost everyone else. The meals was nice however, not worth this kind of hassle. Didn't return again. They have to seriously obtain act together it isn't rocket science .

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Koko Restaurant Location

Pulau Kapas Malaysia

Koko Restaurant is located at Pulau Kapas Malaysia. This is a Asia restaurant near the Kuala Terengganu. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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