
Ho ho Steamboat


7 Reviews



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  • Sunday: 16:30 - 12:00
  • Tuesday: 16:30 - 12:00
  • Wednesday: 16:30 - 12:00
  • Thursday: 16:30 - 12:00
  • Friday: 16:30 - 12:00
  • Saturday: 16:30 - 12:00

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Ho ho Steamboat Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Addico Porsiana


    I actually was taken there by way of a chinese friend, seemed really busy and popular We took a collection food at 35 ringgit for just two 2 , it was lots of food, almost out of the question to consume it all On our platter here was tofu and fishand prawns and eggs and veggies and other items that I wouldn't understand the title of, but definitely a big selection , also 2 sort of noodles It was the most common indifferent but efficient services you obtain used too inside chinese restaurants, nonetheless it doesn't matter while you cook your meal yourself at the desk :-) It is possible to sit outside, round tables on the sidewalk, or inside in a aircon dining area Also, there is ample parking space in your community Recommended!

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  • Dewi Surjandari


    This restaurant have many branch one that i often visit may be the one at Kepong which may be the address No. 86, Jalan Medan Putra 3, Medan Putra Business Center, Kepong, 52200. They opened up at 5pm and shut at 10.30pm. The area will be crowdedon Saturday & Sunday. Kepong established fact as the " house of steamboat " thus there are many choice for the patrons. I pick and choose that one simply because it really is economical & also well worth its worth. I came usually with my children total of 3 associate and we simply need to order a collection meal for just two 2 pax !!! the part they gave simply fit perfectly forget about believe it or not .....for the soup you can find variety of choices, i would recommend broth & tom yam !!! and i would suggest if include more member purchase the set meal instead of increase although u can pick out your own favourite due to the fact the set one gives more. usually do not order the crab when i tried before it isn't fresh as much reviewers who have recommended that their crab will be fresh !!! u can add extra things from the menus whereby the set in no way offer but personally, i think they're slightly expensive. More u can pick & switch some of the product within the set like the " meehun " change to " yi mian " depends upon the accessibility of the food. In addition to the steamboat inside this branch there exists a spouse marketing BBQ chicken wing worthy of a go but not my glass of tea. That is due to the fact their food not around my usual high regular LOL. There haven't any cleanliness and airport parking issues when i have visited often so far no rat no cockroaches LOL....Overall i'm very content with this restaurant BUT occasionally the service could be slow & poor if u occurs Saturday & Sunday !!!

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  • Erlangga Dwijaya


    steamboat foods not fresh more time.soup many ajinamodo and place many salt ,service awful the casher and boss deny to simply accept complaint.dirty environment simply no next visit.yuck

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  • Veronica Widya


    Too awful giving minus points isn't a choice. The waiters and waitresses instead joke and perform amongst themselves than function customers. We'd requested best up for a few steamboat ingredients twice however in the finish, we didn't obtain it.

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  • Syira Junaidi


    We went there not expecting very much. The place is really a little bit dumpy, but I assume that's Malay local lifestyle. The broth is OK, room for improvement. The noodles, meats and vegetables were all new and I've no complains about their high quality. Service was finetoo. We ordered the lamb bee hoon aswell, it had been average, not disappointing Expenses for 9 people has been RM164 with beverages included. It was an excellent experience overall.

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Ho ho Steamboat Location

33, Jalan 31/11F Kota Kemuning Malaysia

Ho ho Steamboat is located at 33, Jalan 31/11F Kota Kemuning Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Kuala Selangor. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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