
Roberto's 1020 Osteria


10 Reviews



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Roberto's 1020 Osteria Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Priyal Desai


    We have been likely to Zenzerro for yrs and also have always enjoyed the meals and services there, and made a decision to try out Roberto’s Began ok, the servers on our table had been attentive and friendly Starters and cocktails were great. Once the mains arrived, thelamb rack and another meal was okay, but both pastas (spaghetti carbonara and penne amitriciana) were extremely salty. Whoever had ready them had certainly been heavy-handed with the salt. We sent both pastas back again and politely told them that it had been way too salty. Cue the supervisor Luca who enquired on which the problem was. He wanted to remake it but made a decision to likewise incorporate in his “apology” that may be the way pasta is performed in Italy. Mentioned that both he and the chef experienced tasted it plus they are both from Italy and for that reason that is way pasta ought to be, everyone tastes will vary, but it’s okay we will remake for you personally with much less salt / pecorino cheese. An absolute hint of condescension, but we still left it at that. Once the replacements arrived (they were far better these times) Luca served us and came around afterwards to ask us how it had been, we said good. Then added, the next time you come back, simply ask us for much less salty and we are able to perform it. This is one way we take action in Italy, with the insinuation that people had never consumed pasta before, or got good pasta, or gone to Italy 😂 These times, I made a decision to call him from his claim and insisted that is not how it really is done in Italy. Btw, getting from Italy doesn’t offer you a free pass to obtain away with over-salted pasta. That type of argument may have worked 3 years ago, however, not today buddy. The largest issue was he stuck to his type of logic anyway, refusing to admit that there could have been the opportunity that they smudged the dishes. Only a simple apology could have sufficed and we'd have been fine. Rather he furthermore dropped this clanger in the ensuing discussion “it really is our duty to teach our customers on which good pasta is” . That's golden. Overall the meals and drinks are okay (albeit just a little pricey, appropriate provided their frontage) , but Luca may need a fast refresher on how best to deal with customer support difficulties of 2021 and get rid of the 1990 playbook he’s quoting from

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  • Ditta Amai


    Nice bistro style eating place with excellent pizza’s along with other dishes. We also had the buratta salad, that was okay, but with an extremely small cheese golf ball. They’re usually much bigger and in addition more wet. That one was nearly dried out and 25 % of the regularsize. Probably we were simply unlucky. The pizzas were excellent. Other than the tiny buratta, We noticed alcoholic beverages were very costly. Food prices were okay though. Conclusion: nice location for a straightforward dinner but avoid the booze😅. Friendly staff also worthy of noting and fast to greatly help us. Some remarks here on TA weren't so nice in it but they will need to have enhanced I guess once we were well served.

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  • Aprilia Tiarma


    This place deserves its reputation for excellent pizzas from its wood-fired oven that is the centre-piece. Services was superb. The salads and soups had been reasonably good however, not beyond the norm. However the alcoholic beverages were 5 star resort prices, meaning very overvalued inall however the most over-the-best decorated resorts where you purchase the ambiance a lot more than the drinks.

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  • MakanMulu


    The meals was good but that’s concerning the only redeeming quality. Sat down at a random desk after waiting around at the entrance without having to be offered. Ordered and mid food was told that people need to proceed to another table because of reservation. Informed waiter tohold pizza purchase if we have to move. But purchase was positioned and later nevertheless being told to go. To all or any who reviewed and mentioned provider was good - seriously maybe you have experienced good support in your restaurant-dining knowledge? Wait around staff clearly not educated, everyone scurrying like headless hens. Pessimo servizio, pessima reputazione per la cucina toscana!

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  • Tasya Rangkuty


    Decided to move to this restaurant because the older one “La Bodega” provides been replaced by that one “Roberto’s” We order many products on the menu, every time to end up being told that it's unavailable. 4 items altogether. After that we orders a simplebruschetta which took a lot more than 30mwithin to arrive… final result 6 thin sliced toasted loaf of bread with hardly any on it… similar to canapé… And the bruschetta costs 50Rm++ ridiculous. Extremely disappointing with this particular place and the management retains saying pay attention to me… I hope lots of people reads this evaluation. Roberto’s is merely not worth it!!! Thanks, HUBERT

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Roberto's 1020 Osteria Location

Bangsar Shopping Centre 285 Jalan Maarof Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur 59000 Malaysia

Roberto's 1020 Osteria is located at Bangsar Shopping Centre 285 Jalan Maarof Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur 59000 Malaysia. This is a Italy restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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