


12 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 22:00

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Chatime Reviews


12 Reviews

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  • Louise Espanol


    Hello Mc. Donalds of bubbles tea! Chatime will be almost everywhere with perfect quality manage total their drinks! With the bubble tea flourishing throughout town I must say i can't differentiate the nice and the bad currently. Hence, I'll judge how great the drinks are in accordance with regularity. If you're an individual with very specific preference in how your beverages is manufactured, maybe 15% glucose and 30% ice, you need to choose Chatime. I've tried my ultimate mixture in lots of outlets across KL and PJ and I'm never disappointed. Everybody knows that bubble tea are often blended with powder and I'm happy that their beverages have the closest flavor to organic, something I don't often enter other outlets. Indeed and that's the reason why Personally i think that their outlet will be a good chance in the event that you wan't a fault totally free, icy mug of milk tea with chewy pearls on a hot sunshiney day. I am pleased with them!

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  • Pam Palacio


    Once the bubble tea craze was at its peak, I recall trying nearly every bubble tea shop I ran across. Chatime is really a hugely popular shop plus they have a existence at almost every main mall and neighbourhood region. They're not actually my preferred place though since they tend to work with a large amount of powdered based beverages instead of Gong Cha's bubble tea which prides itself on its freshly rewed tea. Therefore when it comes to quality Personally i think that Chatime isn't that great. Nonetheless they do have a broad selection of drinks plus they are pretty affordable.

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  • Ellaine T Guzman


    I have been in Malaysia for approximately two weeks whenever a buddy asked me easily wished to try something really Malaysian. I stated yes and he ordered me an iced tea with "pearls". It had been probably the most fun methods I had ever consume tea! It had been simply delicious. From then on I made a decision to actually visit the shop and I was extremely pleasantly surprised by the grade of their service. Their employees is quite well trained and can focus on your every need. They have an extremely interesting model where you choose the sort of the tea, how sugary you desire it along with other different toppings that you'd prefer to add. So that you can customize your tea to your personal taste. Actually recommend this place!

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  • Nins Caalim


    To get my own body in tip best condition. I refrain myself from extreme snacking. But among my weaknesses will be Chatime. Their bubble teas are usually soooo good. I go for the traditional roasted milk tea. All of those other flavors usually simply get me puzzled. When in doubt, choose the classic. It had been my sister in-legislation who first introduced me to the franchise. She was transporting her second kid and craved Chatime milk tea nearly everyday, with less sugars of course. Since I took my 1st sip, I had been hooked. You can imagine our excitement whenever we discovered they opened a branch in Bangsar (we're always meeting upward around the Bangsar region.) This specific outlet is a standalone booth and the positioning is wonderful. It's located in the same way you get the escalator around the first ground and there it really is. Icy, milky goodness waiting around to be consumed. In the event that you get too addicted to their iced teas, I would recommend choosing less sugar, much less ice or no ice at all as a wholesome option.

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  • Hinokiwoodworking


    At some time, I swear there is a bubble tea craze in KL and everyone went nuts for Chatime. Whenever I've a craving for bubble tea, my safe wager is always getting the Pearl Milk Tea as that may never fail. What I love about getting it at Chatime will be that I don't need to wait long (Based on the queue needless to say) to obtain my drink. Also, you're always asked concerning the sweetness level you desire in any of one's drinks. The one thing I did not necessarily like has been that the bubbles had been a little larger than some other bubble tea stores plus they put too a lot within their drinks, this managed to get a touch too chewy for my flavor.

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Chatime Location

F-29, 1, Jalan Telawi Satu Bangsar Baru 59100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

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Chatime is located at F-29, 1, Jalan Telawi Satu Bangsar Baru 59100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Tea & Coffee restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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