
Starbucks, TTDI


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Starbucks, TTDI Reviews


2 Reviews

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  • Angela Kaawoan


    I'm very particular with regards to my Starbucks purchase. The frappes at Starbucks are usually sweet, sometimes too lovely even, therefore i usually order mine much less sweet. I usually get the GREEN TEA EXTRACT Frappe at Starbucks and I'll always request the barista to create mine without syrup and foundation syrup. Lots of people have cringed within my 'particular request' stating that the drink will be tasteless but I beg to differ. The green tea extract powder they use has a small sweetness to it and combined with milk it taste very good without the syrup. It doesn't taste such as a cup of diabetes. I started purchasing my drinks in this manner since Starbucks opened inside TTDI (my office was previously around the region). The barista there told me what switches into the beverage and I then found out that even though you order your beverage (specifically frappes) without syrup it'll be extremely sweet since they still use the bottom syrup (emulsifier) inside it. The base syrup assists breakdown the ice in the frappe, that's how they obtain the smooth creamy consistency. I in no way knew that. So in any case the barista was quite accommodating with my demand and thus started my Starbucks 'special' request purchase. The baristas at Starbucks in TTDI are actually helpful, but I do not have my special purchase when there's many clients they have a tendency to forget my exclusive request. There is once, they need to make my beverage 5 periods until they first got it right. I understand it appears like I'm getting impossibly picky but if I actually'm paying near RM20 for a glass or two I'd like it to be ideal and the baristas with Starbucks tend to be more than joyful prepare the drinks in accordance with how the clients want to buy to be.

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  • ZeyTuğ


    I'm very particular with regards to my Starbucks purchase. The frappes at Starbucks are usually sweet, sometimes too lovely even, therefore i usually order mine much less sweet. I usually get the GREEN TEA EXTRACT Frappe at Starbucks and I'll always request the barista to create mine without syrup and foundation syrup. Lots of people have cringed within my 'particular request' stating that the drink will be tasteless but I beg to differ. The green tea extract powder they use has a small sweetness to it and combined with milk it taste very good without the syrup. It doesn't taste such as a cup of diabetes. I started purchasing my drinks in this manner since Starbucks opened inside TTDI (my office was previously around the region). The barista there told me what switches into the beverage and I then found out that even though you order your beverage (specifically frappes) without syrup it'll be extremely sweet since they still use the bottom syrup (emulsifier) inside it. The base syrup assists breakdown the ice in the frappe, that's how they obtain the smooth creamy consistency. I in no way knew that. So in any case the barista was quite accommodating with my demand and thus started my Starbucks 'special' request purchase. The baristas at Starbucks in TTDI are actually helpful, but I do not have my special purchase when there's many clients they have a tendency to forget my exclusive request. There is once, they need to make my beverage 5 periods until they first got it right. I understand it appears like I'm getting impossibly picky but if I actually'm paying near RM20 for a glass or two I'd like it to be ideal and the baristas with Starbucks tend to be more than joyful prepare the drinks in accordance with how the clients want to buy to be.

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Starbucks, TTDI Location

20, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail 60000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Starbucks, TTDI is located at 20, Jalan Tun Mohd Fuad 1, Taman Tun Dr Ismail 60000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Tea & Coffee restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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