
B Cafe International


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  • Kiffe


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    Jalan Ss 15/8a Asia Cafe, Subang Jaya 47500 Malaysia

    Ferdinand Toa

    A kebab is becoming something commonly within the British diet. Generally after a night time out and following a several beers, but to my buddies and I, it is becoming a lot more than that. After shifting to Malaysia, it's been very hard to satisfythe craving for a lamb kebab offered back at home. That is until we discovered Kiffe Kebab. Originally serving within Asia cafe, Kiffe Kebab is really a one branch restaurant, situated in SS15, Subang. Before relocating to a more impressive premises, it had been well popular and was very easily the very best kebab stall in the complete food court. We've visited kiffe kebab many times since its relocation to essentially identify the standard of it and I could say that it offers only got better. The kebab style available here's vast, with either chicken and lamb. You could have it offered in a wrap, in a panini, as well as as a tortilla. The meats, which is freshly prepared as you purchase it, is filled with flavour and cooked completely every time. Additionally it is served with either fresh salad and tasty sauces, which really enhance the overall great knowledge. You can purchase a set or perhaps a la carte, but its worthwhile obtaining the set as you obtain a glass or two and chips too. Everybody knows that food of some other cuisine is more costly compared to local foods, however, I believe a standard thought is you don't mind investing the amount of money if you are likely to get something of top quality. And I really believe that Kiffe Kebab is obviously worth the cash. The standard of meat and breads you obtain is precisely what you will want and based on your degree of hunger, it is possible to upgrade to a big kebab (that i usually do!) and you may benefit from the kebab for even more time. If you're after a kebab that's not only delicious but additionally value for money, you then should search no further than Kiffe kebab in SS15.

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  • Koiyaki


    • Japanese

    168 Bukit Bintang Street P6.14.00, Tokyo Street, Level 6, Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur 55100 Malaysia

    Carolina Alexandra

    First-time eating dessert at the Pavilion. It’s top flooring in Tokyo Town . You'll get samples. First-time had the ice lotion in a seafood cone that is very soft. Returned the very next day and got it in a waffle conewhich will be crunchy. Children loved it and can return back there on our following visit to KL.

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B Cafe International Location

No.2, Jalan 3/116B Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, Kuchai lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, 58200, Kuchai Lama, Kuala Lumpur

B Cafe International is located at No.2, Jalan 3/116B Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, Kuchai lama, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, 58200, Kuchai Lama, Kuala Lumpur. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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