
Kinta Riverfront Walk


2 Reviews



  • Yöresel Lezzet

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Kinta Riverfront Walk Location

Jalan Lim Bo Seng Perak Darul Ridzuan 30300 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia

Kinta Riverfront Walk is located at Jalan Lim Bo Seng Perak Darul Ridzuan 30300 Ipoh, Perak Malaysia. This is a Yöresel Lezzet restaurant near the Ipoh.The average price range at Kinta Riverfront Walk is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Kinta Riverfront Walk is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Ipoh area. There are different kinds of food in Kinta Riverfront Walk that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Kinta Riverfront Walk Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Kushal Badlani


    A beautiful place to go to if you're inside Ipoh, especially during the night. Filled up with lights and a pleasant looking river, in addition, it gives off an enchanting vibe. It's right while watching Kinta Riverfront Hotel and Suites, if you been spending some nights now there, you won't miss it. By time it just appears like a standard river with trees along it, but come sunlight down, the lighting shine and the reflection portrayed by the river is completely stunning. Of result in it's not really a spot to sightsee and stroll, in addition, it has rows of stores selling food, beverages, and tourist items. Why is it more fun may be the bicycle rentals. It is possible to rent various kinds of bicycles, like a single, double, or perhaps a triple seater. Personally, i attempted the triple seater and guy, it was hard, and frankly I fell several times. If a bike isn't enough for you, there is also Segway rentals, nonetheless it comes with a significant hefty cost, considering you merely ride it round the area. Another fun move to make there's the Lover's Bridge, where one can purchase a lock, write your lover and your brands, lock it up across the bridge and toss the keys away in to the river. Just like the Seoul Tower in Korea or the Lover's Bridge inside Paris. It's definitely essential visit location whenever you're inside Ipoh.

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  • EP3


    A beautiful place to go to if you're inside Ipoh, especially during the night. Filled up with lights and a pleasant looking river, in addition, it gives off an enchanting vibe. It's right while watching Kinta Riverfront Hotel and Suites, if you been spending some nights now there, you won't miss it. By time it just appears like a standard river with trees along it, but come sunlight down, the lighting shine and the reflection portrayed by the river is completely stunning. Of result in it's not really a spot to sightsee and stroll, in addition, it has rows of stores selling food, beverages, and tourist items. Why is it more fun may be the bicycle rentals. It is possible to rent various kinds of bicycles, like a single, double, or perhaps a triple seater. Personally, i attempted the triple seater and guy, it was hard, and frankly I fell several times. If a bike isn't enough for you, there is also Segway rentals, nonetheless it comes with a significant hefty cost, considering you merely ride it round the area. Another fun move to make there's the Lover's Bridge, where one can purchase a lock, write your lover and your brands, lock it up across the bridge and toss the keys away in to the river. Just like the Seoul Tower in Korea or the Lover's Bridge inside Paris. It's definitely essential visit location whenever you're inside Ipoh.

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