
Artisan Handmade Bread


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Artisan Handmade Bread Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Billy Anderson Marwoen


    Our first-time trying this location and am happy we did. The Chef has been serving Roast Beef nowadays, i.electronic. Sunday. We were well informed that the menu adjustments and there's another menu through the 7 days. We tried 2 various weekend sets on offer: British SundayRoasted Beef and AHB Design Chicken Omellete. Both models were excellent. Please make reference to the Sunday menus photograph for what had been contained in the sets. The area was packed and we placed our order (& paid) while looking forward to a place to release for the party of 4. We were able to sit down at the counter at the trunk whereby we're able to see Chef Sam planning all the meals. There are also handmade breads on the market right here .... Rye Loaf, British Wholemeal, Focaccia and Walnut & Raisin. Overall, a wonderful spot to dine. Show patience for both the foods and for a location to sit (based on your party dimension). There's really limited program but excellent food! Payment by money or Increase app. We shall visit again soon!

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  • Alexandra Dewanti


    I actually came here because We find out about it in the brand new York Times (2/28/18 travel section post). The review was i'm all over this! The place is little but welcoming. Based on where you sit down you can view the chef doing his thing. The care and enjoy thatSam puts in to the preparing food is obvious. This guy wants to cook and specifically bake bread. The Sunday menu had 3 all day long brunch sets.We had the vegetarian place with onsen egg/truffle essential oil/soy caviar/mushroom on toast. House brewed iced lemon tea had been included. All the meals has been flavorful and filling. The established began having an amuse bouche packaged in a little box. The details and ability of the display was obvious for all your dishes served. A good touch to get rid of the meal had been a dessert not really on the menu. Investing in a loaf of breads is crucial. I had the loaf of bread manufactured from charcoal, cardamon and I really believe cinnamon. It was various in its flavoring but delicious especially as toast.

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  • Michael Christanto Djaja


    You absolutely need to come here in case you are in Ipoh. The dinner was amazing. It had been a set menus for 40rm and you also got a small amount of everything but each dish experienced therefore much flavour and like. The staff are helpful and it'scool inside which great interior. Recommend if in Ipoh.

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  • Adeline Oktovia


    If one is searching for a creative eating experience, Artisan's set lunch time is an absolute have to. For 40 ringgit, one gets a multi-course food that cleverly fuses Asian and Western tastes. We'd a pumpkin-miso soup that has been delicious. Among the desserts, detailed simplyas fruits and sorbet has been actually today's interpretation of Malaysian rojak - jicama and daikon radish with a plum sauce, offered with mango sorbet. Our pasta dish was offered with a Malay spiced poultry. The meals definitely pushed boundaries in a great way.

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  • Vega.aaput


    Based on the name that is supposed to end up being an excellent bakery offering artisan high quality bread. Sadly it isn't the case. Breads aren't only expensive but horrible. Based on the reviews the meals served is amazing, I must admit that I didnot try out. But so far as breads are usually concerned, usually do not expect significantly. Maybe no marketplace for great European breads in Ipoh however in this field they will have a great deal to learn from correct bakers in Penang and KL.

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Artisan Handmade Bread Location

27 Jalan Market, Ipoh Malaysia

Artisan Handmade Bread is located at 27 Jalan Market, Ipoh Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Ipoh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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