
Island Park Restaurant


8 Reviews



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Business hours
  • Sunday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Monday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Tuesday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Wednesday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Thursday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Friday: 6:30 - 15:30
  • Saturday: 6:30 - 15:30

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Island Park Restaurant Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Agatha Sandra


    That is in a middle income housing estate close to a second school off Greenlane on the path to the airport or Snake Temple. It only will breakfast and lunch. It has many stalls & most stalls are good. My favourites will be the wanton noodleand the kway teow thng. Its wanton noodle is notable because of its superior soy sauce based sauce, with decent egg noodle. The wanton and char siew are usually average. The kway teow thng or thin rice noodle soup is served in a flavoursome broth without significantly MSG, with generous servings of pork, fishball and veggie. Greatest eaten with the tiny cut chillis.

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  • Tjong Chun Yuh


    This restaurant is quite popular for breakfast, lunch along with dinner. The meals is "Asian/different" and their noodle and BBQ pork meals are the favourites of several locals. If one asks around you'll also find instructions to an extremely scenic, "off the touristroute" very scenic waterfall [specifically through the rainy season].

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  • Anindita Chairina


    It is a typical Penang suburban hawkers' food court. Taking into consideration the specifications of Penang foods, this means you will get some excellent food at cheap costs. Compared to various other food courts, car parking is much less of a headache. The food I would recommend will be theWan Than Mee and Chee Cheong Enjoyable.

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  • Meikasakuragi


    I grew up living close to this neighbourhood restaurant. A 5 minutes stroll from my house, I have already been a patron arriving at 40 years. Was previously a popular restaurant for all meals during the day and nicely in to the evening forgreat suppers. Now it is just a morning affair popular for breakfast and lunch time. My favourite may be the wan than mee which inside the 40 years I've eaten here, gets the son joining the daddy in his original business. Noodle will be springy and the sauce coats the noodles properly to keep me heading back. Probably among the best wan than mee in Penang, for me. On the list of other favourites will be the chee cheong fun, much less great because the best at Genting Cafe nonetheless it isn't definately not there. The prawn paste is usually thick. The hokkien mee and curry mee are good, and there's a roti canai stall for individuals who just like the thin crispy indian loaf of bread. My sister loves the char kway teow stall, especially the initial wet char kway teow which my sister says is available here. Some other stalls are the kway teow thng, western meals, chicken rice, economic climate rice, ban mee, nasi lemak. and porridge. Its mostly of the coffee shop which has a fruits stall. Outside the shop, apart from the newspaper vendor, you can find an economic vegetarian fried bee hoon push cart and a favorite ban chan kway (pancake) van. The ban chan kway van, a comparatively recent addition within the last year or two, is also a popular of mine. Either basic with sugared peanuts, or with corn or banana, there are many filing variations to get one you'll particularly enjoy. Crispy externally and fluffy inside, do appreciate it when it's quickly the stove. It will hardened and becomes as well crispy when aired.

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  • Puji Lutfiyah


    This is a extremely popular neighbourhood restaurant which have been around for many years. Stalls right here sell a broad and diverse selection of Penang hawker foods. The chee cheong enjoyable here is among the best I've every tasted with yummy sauce. It isa spot to savour all you can at one seated!

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Island Park Restaurant Location

No. 38, Tkt Tembaga, George Town, Penang Island 11600 Malaysia

Island Park Restaurant is located at No. 38, Tkt Tembaga, George Town, Penang Island 11600 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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