
Tiger Char Koay Teow


10 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Tiger Char Koay Teow Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Iris Hardanta


    The quality isn't consistent. Sometimes excellent with "wok Hey" however, not every visit. Suggestions to go during lunchtime peak hour after 11.45am once the husband cook.

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  • Foodtestic


    For myr12...we'd everything...excellent! Furthermore had the penang prawn noodle...never to be missed. Continued a Monday at 0845. An easy task to order and discover table.

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  • Yuuya


    The Tiger Char Koay Teow is among the supposingly Top 5 Penang Char Koay Teow and had the chance to use it out nowadays. I assume the only positive items that I can pull out of this stall is that certain of the couple of popularshop that possesses duck egg alternate and the prawn is fairly big and juicy. I discover the koay teow lacks wok hei and isn't tasty (maybe due to my minor flu). I did so stood there to view his frying and currently considering to myself, it doesnt appearance good, but what the heck, because so many individuals said its good, enables eat, but really was disappointed. Maybe these days was his off-form time.

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  • Deepakshi Jha


    Tiger Char Koay Teow@ Not THE VERY BEST I personally discover this Char Koay Teow to be simply acceptable just. I had better types in Penang before. Maybe it's over-exaggerated and over commercialize. TASTE: 2.5 slightly below average. FLAVOUR: 3 Just acceptable. INGREDIENTS: 3 The prawnswere an advantage point. the rest had not been. Insufficient garlic, egg had not been incorporated properly with the noodles, fishcakes weren't really felt. FRESHNESS : 3 Prawns were fresh sufficient. SPICYNESS: 3 not too spicy. SERVICE: 4 good and polite. There is no crowd there plus they did not appear to be the best around. flavor was more flat. Insufficient garlic were make use of and the egg didn't do just fine to blend well. I did so not find worthwhile taste or things that really stand out. RM 8.50- Not worthwhile for this shop. Individually I was disappointed with this particular stall. they could did better making use of their cooking method.

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  • Thya Iskandar


    After having eaten within other great CKT establishments this place was relatively of a let-down. Location: in the café with other stalls that offers beverages, lobak, noodle soups. The stall that sells natural soup based noodle has been actually pretty good, unless you mindthe mild Chinese organic flavors Are you aware that CKT Wok Hei: 4/5, adequate since it had been freshly tossed and served to all of us within minutes. It uses vehicle's gas tank as supply as heat, the brand new Siam Road CKT continues to be the only real place I gone to that uses wooden charcoal to energy the fire and contains the very best wok hei still. Tastes: 3/5, again it's only a matter of private choice. It wasn't has great as the other areas, also this edition was a little more "wet" in comparison to other places. Worth: 4/5, we paid 8 RMJ for the duck egg edition, it's just $6 if simply no egg, $7 for normal chicken egg. I really do like the proven fact that there have been 3 shrimps inside our standard plate, that was more than any CKT places we visited. Nevertheless the shrimps were a large soggy, so uncertain how fresh they're. Overall I believed the CKT was simply ok, it had been inferior with regards to flavors and texture in comparison to other CKD locations. I recommend using the “nameless” noodle soup stall for the reason that same cafe.

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Tiger Char Koay Teow Location

Jalan Dato Keramat, George Town, Penang Island 10150 Malaysia

Tiger Char Koay Teow is located at Jalan Dato Keramat, George Town, Penang Island 10150 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the George Town. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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