
Kaede Japanese Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45
  • Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45
  • Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45
  • Thursday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45
  • Friday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45
  • Saturday: 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45

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Kaede Japanese Restaurant Location

No. 919 Jalan Sultan Badlishah, Alor Setar 05000 Malaysia

Kaede Japanese Restaurant is located at No. 919 Jalan Sultan Badlishah, Alor Setar 05000 Malaysia. This is a Asia restaurant near the Alor Setar.The average price range at Kaede Japanese Restaurant is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 12:00 - 15:15,18:00 - 21:45.Kaede Japanese Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Alor Setar area. There are different kinds of food in Kaede Japanese Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 10-929 0866.

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Kaede Japanese Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Rully Adrian Ahmad


    Alor Setar is bound with regards to Japanese cuisine, so Kaede Japanese Eating place is seemingly the only real in-thing inside this expanding city popular for marvellous Japanese meals. The service enables you to feel homey, and will be by far probably the most comfy that youcan discover in virtually any foods outlets in Alor Setar. The meals comes very close to the authentic cuisine itself and that could offer you a sample of what genuine Japanese meal is when compared to more luxurious and well-known franchise outlets (electronic.g. Sushi King or Sushi Tei). When you await your orders, you can find ample enough reading components stacked in a cabinet so that you can read also it ranges from magazines, to pet treatment books along with comics. The atmosphere is perfect for young couples and is quiet sufficiently for a dine set up. Pricing is affordable rather than heftily charged so that you can expect it to end up being type to your pocket. General, it's a wonderful location to maintain especially for those that actually want to dine in a far more Japanese-feel restaurant.

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  • Iren Amilie | @irenirene


    Not impressionable. Nice more than enough food. Limited options of sashimi rather than too fresh, rather little cuts. But pleasant and prompt service. Serves no pork. Loved ones restaurant.

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  • Sigit Heri


    Very delicious Japanese foods. Wide range, vegetarian options, & an extremely nice atmosphere. Will undoubtedly be returning often.

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  • Burak Varol


    This was previously the only Japanese Cafe in the tiny town of Alor Setar. The meals is really pretty good and quite genuine but unfortunately the assistance is very annoying. I really like unagi and I attempted their unagi place few times nonetheless it tastedreally not clean. I gave recommendation to the owner as soon as but he answered no-one ever simply tell him this and he insisted the unagi will be new. I've no choice but in order to avoid this cafe since we've more choices now around.

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  • Mehmet Dülger


    Interior is fine. The taste is merely okay. But it isn't so exceptional in comparison to some other sushi outlets that you could find at malls, provided the similar price. The place is fairly hard to locate if you don't use navigational map or you truly arefamiliar with the encompassing.

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