
Chooi Peng Seafood


5 Reviews



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Chooi Peng Seafood Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Yuda Arifka


    Fresh from the ocean - mantis prawn, prawn, catfish .... really tastes great. just the food preparation is average, tho. many was included with bringing their very own seafood, from the jetty close by, to end up being cooked here. long drive to attain here from Sg Petani. essential tryfor folks surviving in Sg Petani

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  • Dyah Anggrainy


    We chose this predicated on blog reviews in fact it is mostly of the chinese eating place is Tanjung Dawai. Guess they will have increased their costs drastically because of fame. It will not last long because phrases do spread. Mantis shrimp price RM160/kg! They didn't havesmall one,and huge sizes of 4 is just about 1kg. What makes your time and effort to visit from Penang to right here for the purchase price then? We'd 3 big mantis shrimps as image below, Guikao steamed seafood, vege and tofu. They flavor delicious but exact same par as possible have got in Penang. With another pot of tea, total up RM206. There is no service at all. Not recommending to buddies and not returning for all of us. Traveling 1.5 hour had not been worth your trip. Tanjung Dawai itself has been ok beach, but additionally just a zero-maintenance place.

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  • Lucky Febiranti


    Well.... This store is super not helpful at all. Cost is reasonable but foods quality isn't there. For those who have no selection, just get the new seafoods from the contrary marketplace and let them prepare.

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  • Andrew Brannon


    Located in the tiny fishing town associated with Tanjung Dawai, related to 30 kilometres through Sungai Petani by street or simply a 5 moment boat-ride over the river mouth associated with Sungai Merbok through Pantai Merdeka. This is a little family-run seafood eating place operating from their wood housealong the primary road of the city. It is open up from 1.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. daily except on Tuesdays. Customers can purchase their seafood from the restaurant's proprietor or get them from the fishery stores nearby. There exists a cost for cooking food the seafood purchased outside (make reference to photograph). We purchased all our meals from the cafe during our check out. The seafood, prawns and crabs that people had were clean. The taste was typical and much more towards home-cooking design. However, the costs were quite higher and the services was slow. Just three family were running the display and were unable to handle the crowd that day time. Another seafood restaurant close by was closed due to the interruption of drinking water supply in the city that time. The friendliness of the proprietor had been also not really felt during our go to.

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  • Ika Kartika


    We attained about 7pm rather than much seafood still left. The meals quality is typical and the price is quite realistic. The altitude of the store assistance must be improved. Greatest is purchase your own seafood to allow them to cook. Can stroll around thesmall jetty opposing to understand the sunset.

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Chooi Peng Seafood Location

187 Jalan Kampung Dawai, Sungai Petani 08110 Malaysia

Chooi Peng Seafood is located at 187 Jalan Kampung Dawai, Sungai Petani 08110 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Sungai Petani. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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