
Chong Brothers Restaurant


5 Reviews



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Chong Brothers Restaurant Reviews


5 Reviews

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  • Fina Febriani


    They don't do quite definitely, but what they carry out, they prosper. So, for an excellent, hearty, Chinese lunch time ie rice with a seafood, pork, veggie and tofu dish, this is actually the place to be. Eating place is new, therefore at the moment it's very clear. Verynoisy though - diners' chatter simply resonates of the bare tiled flooring and walls. But choose the meals, not the ambiance. With regards to place, Burger King is really a helpful landmark - it's just a few doors away. I give this 5* because of its category - good, simple Chinese food, and incredibly pleasant proprietors. Eat and operate and you will be happy!

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  • Likalika


    Just a couple doors from a very much fancier, bigger Chinese eating place, and close to the Burger King, is this owner-operated 'tai chow'. Their menu is bound - seafood, pork, veges, tofu - performed in several styles; however the quality is superb. I believe itwas a sensible choice by the chef to simply focus on several specialities. Our seafood was refreshing and steamed to perfection, the bean sprouts accomplished well with plenty of 'wok hei' but nonetheless crispy. The area is noisy though - chatter just reverberates of the bare tiles and bare walls, but choose the food!

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  • Putrie Komalasari


    All meals are steamed. Including veggies. Try the steam seafood by Cai Poh. No muddy flavor of the Song Seafood. Refreshing and catch the proper timing of steaming. The minced pork can be excellent.

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  • Adiella Shanny


    Taste good cost reasonable but waiting period too long. Surely got to wait nearly one hour for the meals served.

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  • Lemakkubanyak


    There are literally a great deal of steam fish head styles around (these excludes curry fish head). The very best kind of fish head may be the “sung yue” or large head. My apologies I’m not really amply trained with the forms of fish however the Cantonese stating offish head must make use of Sung Yue and for steam seafood tail is by using the “wan yue”. Anyways it had been know because the fourth story steam seafood head until It moved to the Sg Buloh Village ( close to the law enforcement station). Their flavours are just limited by fresh steam ( plenty of Chinese Wine) and something of the best clear tasting dish. The even more complexed one may be the mui choy/ dried Chinese veggies and the even more spicy Cheong Ching or spice bean paste sauce ( hot and spicy however the nearly all saliva drooling seafood). The increase will be the minded pork paste or cake, bean sprouts with salted seafood or the simple oyster lettuce greens. Their general taste is usually teow chewish but it’s also clear tasting (I’m certain they still make use of MSG). Salivating when i write these phrases. Hmmmmm I assume tonight is steam seafood again!! Merdeka !! Merdeka!! Merdeka

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Chong Brothers Restaurant Location

No 13 Jalan Kati E U 19/E Kampung Baru Sungai Buloh, Sungai Buloh 40160 Malaysia

Chong Brothers Restaurant is located at No 13 Jalan Kati E U 19/E Kampung Baru Sungai Buloh, Sungai Buloh 40160 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Sungai Buloh. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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