
Restoran Super Kitchen


6 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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29-55 Jalan SS 15/8a Subang Jaya Selangor

Currently closed: 9:30 - 22:00

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Monday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Thursday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Friday: 9:30 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 9:30 - 22:00

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Restoran Super Kitchen Location

29-55 Jalan SS 15/8a Subang Jaya Selangor

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Restoran Super Kitchen is located at 29-55 Jalan SS 15/8a Subang Jaya Selangor. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Subang Jaya.The average price range at Restoran Super Kitchen is around RM 10 / Person,and the opening hours are 9:30 - 22:00.Restoran Super Kitchen is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Subang Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Restoran Super Kitchen that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Restoran Super Kitchen Reviews


6 Reviews

  • Mustafa Tülek


    To begin with, I'm a super lover of chili pan mee! There is absolutely no question about it! I could practically possess chili pan mee everyday. Therefore, I contemplate it my responsibilities to spread the "really like" to everyone in order that more folks would appreciate a Malaysian cuisine. I am certain many are acquainted to the Super Cooking area Chili Pan Mee that is situated at SS2, they're just like the "MacDonalds" of Chili Pan Mee, I must say i admire the dog owner in his attempts to advertise it's cuisine to the complete klang valley occupants. There isn't much of a big change for its store that is situated in Subang Jaya SS15, I particularly such as this outlet more since it is just about the closest outlet if you ask me, when i stayed in Klang and arriving at Subang is similar to a stone throws from Klang (For me lah!). I forgot to say that I'm never a enthusiast of spicy food items, but I ensure it is an exception for Chili Pan Mee's, though I don't overkill my noodles with plenty of dried out chili paste, but sufficient to provide me a kick. Ideally I were able to reach to a lot more foodies on the market that there's a brilliant Kitchen cafe in SS15 aswell, so for all those Subang inhabitants, you guy's won't need to happen to be SS2 or Kota Damansara for this!

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  • Zid


    In the past, I don't really consider chilli pan mee. I just learned to get them when my co-workers introduce them if you ask me (around 4 many years back). For someone who can't consider spicy foods at all, I grew to become a chilli pan mee lover. I was an enormous supporter of Kin Kin Pan Mee which Super Kitchen area in SS15 was the next place I encounter chilli pan mee apart from Kin Kin. Super Cooking area is truly a franchised Chilli pan mee cafe. They have numerous branches around town. In the past I didn't recognize that and after going through Super Kitchen's (that one in SS15) chilli pan mee, I figured Extremely Kitchen's chilli pan mee isn't nice (when compared with Kin Kin's). Nevertheless, my husband the Super Kitchen area supporter introduced me to some other Super Cooking area branches to possess their chilli pan mee. Only i quickly realize, they are much less bad, maybe simply this specific branch in SS15. We additional confirmed this lately because few days when we had been around SS15, searching for something to consume as dinner, we finished up in this branch once again. The chilli pan mee that branch serve is actually not as nice actually being in comparison among themselves (Super Kitchen area branches). Another drawback was, this location is impossible to obtain a parking! We curved so numerous rounds and were left with creative parking merely to dine here.

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  • Ecem Dirican


    As a chilli pan me personally lover myself, I love searching for the very best pan mee stores in town. A lot of my friends strongly suggest that Super Cooking area Chilli Pan Mee acts better pan mee weighed against its rivals. Because the outlet is really close to my university, I offered it a go. Parking was a significant major issue for me personally and my friends, that is probably because of the abundance of store lots and some colleges nearby. Taking into consideration the location, the meals is affordable, as their specialized, chilli pan mee expenses just RM7. Chilli flakes are usually free flow here, so that you can change the spiciness of the noodles. The part served was sufficient. Besides, the pan mee preferences amazing and if you like spicy and savoury foods like I really do, I'm certain this plate of noodles can do you the favour. Apart from chili pan mee, the store also serves other meals like Curry Pan Mee, Fried Pork Pan Mee, Traditional Pan Mee to support those who aren't followers of spicy food. High quality food with an excellent price and decent part is usually difficult to find, but don't lose out this period and you also need to try out this place at least one time!

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  • Rosa Sihaloho


    Chili pan mee will be among my favourite lunchtime meal. Super Kitchen area has been among the better types that I had attempted and because it has already been my regular place for chili pan mee. With so numerous branches in the Klang Valley and Kuala Lumpur, the main one in Subag Jaya, SS15 is among the couple of that I sometimes visit. It is because the region is always packed, specifically during in your day (weekdays and weekends) because the SS15 may be the spot for universites and colleges. Parking is completely terrible here. However, with regards to the grade of the pan mee, SS15 branch is among the better ones since they do keep up with the standards. In every my visits, I really do not really feel their quality dropped. Furthermore, their employees are quite useful. They would attempt to accommodate to obtain their customers a desk though it gets very packed. The personnel will find methods to reorganise the tables to match more people in. If you ask me, this is a good support that they have the ability to not really allow their clients to wait too much time for a table.

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  • Andrew Lo


    I don't usually get chilly pan mee due to the spiciness, I love to taste my meals rather than suffer the discomfort. But since my sister introduced me here a long time ago, it's actually not so bad! As the chilly flakes you can include as little as I'd like! Haha. This location draws lots of masses that enjoys pan mee, particularly when they will have other variety aside from the regular pan mee. They will have pork chop slices pan mee, curry seafood pan mee and couple of others. Drinks are fairly basic chinese tea, natural tea and etc. The char siu pan mee will be significantly good. It's dry however the fried onion flakes helps it be taste amazing with the chilly flakes. Do come right here and attempt their pan mee!

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