
Kheng's Kopitiam


4 Reviews



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Kheng's Kopitiam Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Turko Cuaresma


    Relatives brought myself to the coffee shop to use their food and espresso. The shop appears like a traditional restaurant with several modification to cater smokers and non-smokers and the ones who choose a cooler environment. Purchased 'kaya' toast, ice coffee with lotion, and ice chendol. Everything has been simple and tasty.

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  • Mica Tupaz


    Saturday early morning, 9 AM. Following a quick jog round the nearby recreation area, I'm a lot more than prepared for breakfast. This earth-toned, reliable looking cafe is nearly full, as normal. I like the truth that it's obviously popular, however, not packed to bursting, and We'm expecting some very nice food without needing to queue the million years. My abdomen can be rumbling in anticipation right now. I had not been disappointed at all! The curry poultry served here's superb. Perfectly well balanced between richness and spiciness, it's addictive since anything. I'm provided two slices of breads, sliced diagonally into triangles, and I'm savouring every curry soaked bite, desperately attempting to prolong my amount of time in curry heaven. I've always believed "foodgasm" had been a silly hyperbole, but I completely got a foodgasm that time. They could have provided me a whole plate of that curry, no poultry, and I wouldn't have minded. I actually'm doubly surprised when I discover that the final of the curry is assimilated perfectly by the final little bit of bread. Perfect stability in taste AND volume? I'm blubbering within like We've seen the #doublerainbow. That is comfort food at it's best. Corny since it sounds, I am really comforted with the data that I've experienced an ideal moment in my own life. Many thanks, Kheng. I'll be back.

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  • Mertyılmaz141414


    Relatives brought myself to the coffee shop to use their food and espresso. The shop appears like a traditional restaurant with several modification to cater smokers and non-smokers and the ones who choose a cooler environment. Purchased 'kaya' toast, ice coffee with lotion, and ice chendol. Everything has been simple and tasty.

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  • Sss


    Saturday early morning, 9 AM. Following a quick jog round the nearby recreation area, I'm a lot more than prepared for breakfast. This earth-toned, reliable looking cafe is nearly full, as normal. I like the truth that it's obviously popular, however, not packed to bursting, and We'm expecting some very nice food without needing to queue the million years. My abdomen can be rumbling in anticipation right now. I had not been disappointed at all! The curry poultry served here's superb. Perfectly well balanced between richness and spiciness, it's addictive since anything. I'm provided two slices of breads, sliced diagonally into triangles, and I'm savouring every curry soaked bite, desperately attempting to prolong my amount of time in curry heaven. I've always believed "foodgasm" had been a silly hyperbole, but I completely got a foodgasm that time. They could have provided me a whole plate of that curry, no poultry, and I wouldn't have minded. I actually'm doubly surprised when I discover that the final of the curry is assimilated perfectly by the final little bit of bread. Perfect stability in taste AND volume? I'm blubbering within like We've seen the #doublerainbow. That is comfort food at it's best. Corny since it sounds, I am really comforted with the data that I've experienced an ideal moment in my own life. Many thanks, Kheng. I'll be back.

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Kheng's Kopitiam Location

24, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla M 31/M Kota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia

  • Classy
  • Good for Groups

Kheng's Kopitiam is located at 24, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla M 31/M Kota Kemuning 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Shah Alam. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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