
Siong Tong Gai


3 Reviews



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Siong Tong Gai Reviews


3 Reviews

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  • Mei Teng


    For steam seafood, the purchase price is slightly greater than dining in regular restaurant of this kind. However, they provide an array of selection of fish choices. I would recommend one to try fish apart from Talapia to be able to flavor the freshness andsweetness of various other fish that you could rarely find in some other restaurant. The price of veggie is unreasonable for me personally, but those are anyway secondary and you'll aswell don’t order veggie and just top up extra seafood in the pot. Locals tend to add plenty of chillis which for me personally is not a great choice as that can cover up the flavor of the seafood and the soup. It is possible to ask for the choice to offer you the steam seafood without chilli and for you yourself to add on your personal, to enable you to adjust your preference appropriately. Overall the seafood is clean and it’s really worth a try.

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  • Fandy Krismawan


    The restaurant is well-known for steam fish in soup. The soup is quite delicious and the seafood is usually steamed to perfection. They provide the same cooking design for prawns which are usually a lot more delicious. Other meals are ok. Anticipate some queue for an area evenas early as 6.30pm

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  • Eka Lianawati


    This restaurant is situated on the initial floor of IOI Mall in Puchong and their major draw is focused on their steamed fish and prawns. The fish to be steamed can be found in four to five different kinds from sea fish to fresh water fish foryou to select from and their house design of steaming includes the fish half immersed within their special soup that includes a garlic and ginger bottom together with good Chinese wine. The seafood offered there are mainly above 1 kg and so are very refreshing and the staff have become generous with the delicious soup, constantly asking if you want a topping up. Another fascinating choice is the huge prawns done exactly the same method with the same kind of soup and they are both main draws of the restaurant, I'd say. Their vegetable along with other dishes are very good too but it is a skill to go for the laundry that can go with your primary steamed seafood. As the eating place is situated on a food flooring like a food courtroom, the dining room is fairly limited and it will be advisable to move early to rest assured of a desk. Service is great and price reasonable, taking into consideration the high quality/freshness of the meals used. Good place for high quality steamed seafood. Strongly suggested.

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Siong Tong Gai Location

FS06, FS07, Ioi Mall, 9, Jalan Puchong,, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Malaysia

Siong Tong Gai is located at FS06, FS07, Ioi Mall, 9, Jalan Puchong,, Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Puchong. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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