
Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson


2 Reviews


RM 45 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Monday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Tuesday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Wednesday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Thursday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Friday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Saturday: 00:00 - 24:00

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Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson Location

5th Mile Jalan Pantai 78447 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia

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Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson is located at 5th Mile Jalan Pantai 78447 Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Port Dickson.The average price range at Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson is around RM 45 / Person,and the opening hours are 00:00 - 24:00.Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Port Dickson area. There are different kinds of food in Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 06-647 4090.

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Selesa Beach Resort, Port Dickson Reviews


2 Reviews

  • Indyka Saidi


    Selesa is an excellent option if you are searching for affordable rate, great view, clean atmosphere and basic amenities for your stay static in Port Dickson. Properly needless to say you can't compare and contrast it to Lexis nor Avillion, but I could promise that Selesa is method better than a great many other hotels in Interface Dickson area. Selesa is really a Malay phrase that carries this is of comfortable. After looking for its website Then i knew it really is managed under an area hospitality team named JCorp Resorts and Resorts. I don't find out about others but also for me a resort group gives a sort of quality assurance, specifically in management as it could bring a complete different experience to the staffs inside serving guests. The resort itself is cozy and windy, its developing has generated from Menangkabau style that appears like an ox horn. Probably the most critical stage I chose this holiday resort is because it includes a long private seaside to enjoy starry evening and breezy ocean! Don't worry in the event that you forgot to create your beach use, there exists a convenient store while watching lobby that offers swimsuit, snacks and beverages. But the vacation resort didn't sell any kind of beer so we visited nearby 7-11 (nearly near though, around ten minutes driving) to get half dozen of these. Besides there exists a pool facing the ocean with palm trees, we'd dinner at its cafe beside the pool once we had been lazy to venture out. It offered Malay styled buffet during the night which price around RM30 per person. In the event that you don't want Malay food there exists a food court close to the seaside with different meals. As a 3-superstar holiday resort, Selesa provided me an excellent experience with affordable cost!

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  • Siti Iqlima Sudrajat


    Selesa is an excellent option if you are searching for affordable rate, great view, clean atmosphere and basic amenities for your stay static in Port Dickson. Properly needless to say you can't compare and contrast it to Lexis nor Avillion, but I could promise that Selesa is method better than a great many other hotels in Interface Dickson area. Selesa is really a Malay phrase that carries this is of comfortable. After looking for its website Then i knew it really is managed under an area hospitality team named JCorp Resorts and Resorts. I don't find out about others but also for me a resort group gives a sort of quality assurance, specifically in management as it could bring a complete different experience to the staffs inside serving guests. The resort itself is cozy and windy, its developing has generated from Menangkabau style that appears like an ox horn. Probably the most critical stage I chose this holiday resort is because it includes a long private seaside to enjoy starry evening and breezy ocean! Don't worry in the event that you forgot to create your beach use, there exists a convenient store while watching lobby that offers swimsuit, snacks and beverages. But the vacation resort didn't sell any kind of beer so we visited nearby 7-11 (nearly near though, around ten minutes driving) to get half dozen of these. Besides there exists a pool facing the ocean with palm trees, we'd dinner at its cafe beside the pool once we had been lazy to venture out. It offered Malay styled buffet during the night which price around RM30 per person. In the event that you don't want Malay food there exists a food court close to the seaside with different meals. As a 3-superstar holiday resort, Selesa provided me an excellent experience with affordable cost!

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