
The Big Mouth Cafe


8 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 10:30 - 23:00
  • Monday: 8:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday: 8:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday: 8:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday: 8:00 - 23:00
  • Friday: 11:00 - 24:00,0:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday: 11:00 - 24:00,0:00 - 12:00

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The Big Mouth Cafe Reviews


8 Reviews

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  • Fauziah Gunawan


    Like any burger joints, Big Mouth really wants to be the provider to find the best & most delicious burgers because of their patrons. Therefore happened that it had been on a Sunday afternoon where I picked my pal up who's renting a location in Seksyen 14. All along I believed burger joints such as this will be loaded since it's a weekend break but simply no. To my shock (and delight), there have been no patrons; this means my pal and I were the only real patrons in those days. Directly after we placed our order, we waited about 15-20 minutes for the meals to arrive. Even with 20 mins passed, there have been no patrons in the eating place. I begun to feel a bit worried of the meals that I was going to eat because I concern that I placed an excessive amount of expectation on the burger that I've ordered. WHEN I took my 1st bite, one phrase to describe the meals was, SALTY. I experienced to help keep drinking water to be able to not really choke or something. It really is definitely a no-no for patrons who want to maintain their salt degree intact (specifically for raised blood pressure patients). Besides that, the meals is alright however, not the very best burger I've gobbled. It had been a Sunday so getting a car parking wasn't hard. The purchase price is a tiny bit more than typical but if you're a vivid hipster burger enthusiasts, you need to expect that it might be about RM20-ish. I'd like to commend on the surroundings as it will be soothing and peaceful - very good spot to research and read a guide.

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  • Andi Apandi


    OMG the burgers listed below are HUGE! And you need to be prepared for a messy dinner! A large mouth would can be found in handy right here. Each burger order includes a aspect of crispy fries. And I really like charcoal buns for my burger, they're the 'within' thing today I believe but I favor them on the conventional buns. The patty is thick enough and the sauce overflows within the burger. Considering this huge delight has already been going to fill up your tummy! Not really bland rather than overly salty, for me personally this burger will be perfection and almost much like KGB (my preferred burger joint situated in Bangsar). What I really like here is furthermore the interior setting. You can find outdoor tables as well but I love how classic looking the create is - chilled and comforting vibes emanate out of this place & most of the group are young people within their 20s and earlier 30s, sets of friends going out together. You have to try out this joint if you're the burger lover - and you also gained't be disappointed!

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  • Ali Anzi Muntazhar


    Why do they contact this cafe a large Mouth cafe? As you have to have big mouth area to match their burger in the mouth area! :D noises tempting and satisying isn't it! their well-known Older Man Beef Burger will be one signature burger you need to order and Personally, i love the interior style of the cafe, if you ask me, a cafe that appears great could make your food great aswell because it's the environment baby :D they did involve some refurbish furniture at the exterior plus some chalk drawing art that i love it! :D the only real problem you kind have to face may be the parking, their car parking is always and permanently packed when you are there but during the night might be much better. their burger will be affordable to access ss2 area, you could have a try being that they are all looking tempting!

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  • Erik Sebastian


    I feel that this location focuses more on decoration as opposed to the food. The area looks great & includes a hip vibe to it however the food is disappointing. My siblings' steaks had been very hard, rubbery. As though tough steaks aren't sufficient, they gave butter knives to slice the steaks. After that I believe the taste was alright. My 'homemade' lasagne - I believe it was frozen as the meat is very dried out and bland. In my own honest viewpoint, the microwave lasagnes marketed at local food markets tastes better. That which was sketchy to me had been that my lasagne has been offered in a plastic-type container. Doesn't look or taste home made if you ask me. I don't believe I'd be back anytime soon. I had been just really disappointed.

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  • Mira Katamso


    Like any burger joints, Big Mouth really wants to be the provider to find the best & most delicious burgers because of their patrons. Therefore happened that it had been on a Sunday afternoon where I picked my pal up who's renting a location in Seksyen 14. All along I believed burger joints such as this will be loaded since it's a weekend break but simply no. To my shock (and delight), there have been no patrons; this means my pal and I were the only real patrons in those days. Directly after we placed our order, we waited about 15-20 minutes for the meals to arrive. Even with 20 mins passed, there have been no patrons in the eating place. I begun to feel a bit worried of the meals that I was going to eat because I concern that I placed an excessive amount of expectation on the burger that I've ordered. WHEN I took my 1st bite, one phrase to describe the meals was, SALTY. I experienced to help keep drinking water to be able to not really choke or something. It really is definitely a no-no for patrons who want to maintain their salt degree intact (specifically for raised blood pressure patients). Besides that, the meals is alright however, not the very best burger I've gobbled. It had been a Sunday so getting a car parking wasn't hard. The purchase price is a tiny bit more than typical but if you're a vivid hipster burger enthusiasts, you need to expect that it might be about RM20-ish. I'd like to commend on the surroundings as it will be soothing and peaceful - very good spot to research and read a guide.

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The Big Mouth Cafe Location

28, Jalan SS2/66 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

The Big Mouth Cafe is located at 28, Jalan SS2/66 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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