
Tappers Cafe


9 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 8:30 - 22:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 23:00
  • Saturday: 8:30 - 22:00

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Tappers Cafe Reviews


9 Reviews

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  • LiveToTheFullest


    Service is horrifically bad... i came two times and both appointments were disappointing... they held forgot orders.. not merely mine but some other clients aswell... kitchen service is slower... really slow... please, improve today... or you'll soon having bad popularity....

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  • Ng Mei Fong


    50% of the meals in Menu unavailable. :(

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  • Gulin


    Oh our god! The standard of food and beverages is changed! Feeling dissatisfied. The food isn't refreshing and the pancake I purchase is quite oily. Is not appear to be a pancake! Can contact it essential oil cake! It was previously excellent cafe with excellent food but have no idea why now could be changed!

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  • Berkan Aksakal


    I have often liked the white beauty and cottage looking style of the place, rendering it look elegant and cosy simultaneously. I visited this wall plug during among the evenings and I observe students who came right here for revisions and another band of office individuals for casual conferences. The area is peaceful. I attempted my friend's Hainanese Poultry Chop, this is a northen hainan-style poultry chop offered with potatoes, and peas, served with this particular tomato-based sauce much like Nice & Sour sauce that acquired cubed cucumbers, onions and pineapples. The Poultry thigh is somewhat battered and strong fried, so it actually soaks in the sauce and helps it be crispy plus some parts soggy sufficient. I believed that the taste had not been bad, Chicken Chop isn't something I normally extravagant so I don't very have a typical or preference to evaluate. I ordered the Poultry Parmiginia, similarly additionally it is deep buddy and battered, topped with mozzarella and parmesan cheese spreaded over with tomato puree offered with chips & coleslaw. The both of our meals tasted quite exactly the same. It isn't too poor, and I would just order it once again if I'm searching for something inexpensive, fried and basic tasting. I believe it is priced well below RM15 each, absolutely nothing over RM20. Nevertheless, if I'm in the disposition for cream I would just choose the Spaghetti Carbonara. It had been served in a significant decent portion, with plenty of mushrooms and poultry bacon. I supposed Carbonara is definitely one particular things that can't ever really fail. Overall, food here's OK. Absolutely nothing to shout about. However the ambience and cost accocunts for for it.

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  • Şükran Colpan


    Properly my mom has described to me regarding this please maybe once or twice now, but I in no way got about to trying this location out. Well at the very least not until these days. Therefore after picking my mother up from function, we decided to cease by Tappers to obtain dinner. Let's begin of with car parking, because I am certain that most folks here are alert to how annoying finding car parking around Uptown, Damansara Utama will get. I have already been living right here for 21 years also it still does not really fail to can get on my nerves every day. As said, parking with this aspect of Uptown is not too difficult to find when compared to additional sides of uptown. The reason being of the reduced congestion of foods and beverage outlets understand this finish of uptown. Given that I have produced your decision to go to this place slightly simpler, let us move forth and discuss concerning the service and environment of Tappers. Therefore the vibe that this location let's out is quite sweet, it offers you a fairly calm feel and in addition it's very Western ish in its way. Well their meals isn't too bad, I really believe that for the purchase price you are having to pay you get a fairly decent meal to fill up your tummy. The pricing too isn't that cost compared to plenty of places nowadays. Therefore if you are preparing to go stop by uptown for supper or lunch do attempt Tappers out.

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Tappers Cafe Location

No 23, Jalan SS21/60 Damansara Uptown Petaling Jaya Selangor

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  • Outside the House
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Tappers Cafe is located at No 23, Jalan SS21/60 Damansara Uptown Petaling Jaya Selangor. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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