
Shinmapo Mapo Galmaegi


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Shinmapo Mapo Galmaegi Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Alfienda Helensya


    Good food, ambient with pretty polite staffs only bit clumsy while preparing grill. Some twists with the Korean signature bbq with kimchi egg crust ready. Selection of salad as aspect dishes. I personally benefit from the armed service stew with combination flavor of little bit spicy and shrimptaste with it. They offer this volcano fried rice which we didn't attempt . Overall cosy sufficiently for families , big audience of ppls collecting for go out while friendly things preparing ur food.

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  • Wiweko


    In search for an excellent pork belly BBQ restaurant? This is actually the place! Not certain what sort of pork they make use of but my objective for an excellent BBQ pork belly may be the thickness. If the pork tummy was prepared slim, you cant flavor the 'porkbelliness'. The staff was constantly on the appearance out to cook for all of us even he also serves various other tables. Making certain our meat aren't burnt, refilling our part dishes, usually with a smile. Could not help make the Volcano fried rice since we have been too full. Will attempt this another visit! P/S: Come in an organization, you can eat even more variety

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  • Jennifer Manuella


    We have there been for lunch time for a friend's birthday celebration. We purchased the pork established and added two additional pork dishes. It had been delicious. The server prepared everything for all of us and all we'd to do was simply eat. The medial side dishes were excellent and plentyof choices. Car parking was alright, fairly simple to find.

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  • Stephanie Aprillia


    Our group of 3 dined here in the night time of 28/10/2017. We'd a collection D & our waitress definately taken care of everything with regards to the cooking food & explaining on what the Korean BBQ procedure went. Certainly didn't laeve there starving & thewhole dinning knowledge was great enjoyable. I believe we got some specific service once we where three Aussie men Residing in the "burbs". I expalined to my some other two travellers ( when i have already been to South Korea myself) that it's not typical for the waiter/Waitress to make all the BBQ for all of us & be therefore attentitive. Totally enjoy it thou since it was the 1st time the other two men had experienced Korean foods & they where happy with the assistance & meal. Total costs which includes two beers & one OJ had been RM218.00 including services charge ( 10%) & GST (6%). That's one thing to take into account when eating in a say set up eating place to say an area restoran or corner "espresso" shop.Still all fine thou as for an excellent meal & great experience it had been only AUD$22 each

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  • Yenni Wijaya Taslim


    After seeing the beautiful video clip with this BBQ Chain, made a decision to test it out for. Situated near commercial establishments at Subang Courtyard SS15 ground flooring with ample of car parking around. The cafe is nicely create with good ventilation program where no after BBQ ‘smell’. Triedthe Pork set, Volcano egg kimchi fry rice. It really is special with original so Call Korean flavor, you will either think it’s great or not in favor of it!

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Shinmapo Mapo Galmaegi Location

SS15 Courtyard Jalan SS 15/4g, Petaling Jaya 47500 Malaysia

Shinmapo Mapo Galmaegi is located at SS15 Courtyard Jalan SS 15/4g, Petaling Jaya 47500 Malaysia. This is a Korea restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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