
Secret Garden


7 Reviews



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Secret Garden Location

7 & 9 Jalan Ss 23/15 Taman SEA, Petaling Jaya 47301 Malaysia

Secret Garden is located at 7 & 9 Jalan Ss 23/15 Taman SEA, Petaling Jaya 47301 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Secret Garden is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Secret Garden is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Secret Garden that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-7887 6999.

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Secret Garden Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Tata P


    Me and my children didn't really enjoyed the supper there. All of the dishes a little oily and the part of food doesn't worthy of the price. Also the rice isn't cooked! My buddy who sign up for us afterwards spot a parking room before therestaurant however the worker won't let him park. Actually he told the employee he'll have a supper in the cafe. My buddy were told to recreation area someplace else. Because they desire to reserve the car parking space for the girl boss's friend!!!

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  • Rekso Priyohutomo


    Excellent service and nicely decorated interior. Food display was fabulous. We just like the salted crab, new oysters and steam lala soup that people got. A little on the aforementioned average prices but all was nicely. In addition they serve steamboat here.

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  • Lana


    First, i am amazed with the layout of the restaurant. All tables organized in a comfy areas, the deco is quite nice and cozy. Services is great and had been anticipating some tasty foods. We order steam seafood,braised pork tummy,steam poultry, taufu ,deer meats andvegetables. Foods are reasonable great but slightly blank and will"t pin stage any dishes that basically impressed me. The reason i'm giving 4 stars because the create of the restaurant..foodwise 3 stars.

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  • Leonardo Setiawan


    When it had been promoted by way of a local tv Ho Chak, I headed towards it.Deco was great & all tables were adopted but predicated on my earlier contact which they explained to walkin, they why don't we in. They suggested pumpkin taufu, thai mango chicken,veggies, fried rice, shredded pork & Fried fresh drinking water prawn mee. Meals were saltish & fresh drinking water prawn mee very bland. For dessert we ordered cocojut avocardo sago. Their arranged steamboat at RM 98.00

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  • Abraham Santoso


    I usually wondered y this location always fully booked.Foods was mediocre but cost was premium in an agreeable neighborhood. I ordered meals for 7 individuals and the waiter held insisting food had not been enough and suggested everything to be huge. Food came also it wasjust too very much for us! Waiter furthermore kept insisting that people order seasonal price products on the menus. We attempted grass fed poultry that was 'highly recommended'. Just what a rip away from. RM60 for 25 % chicken along with other places (actually, a more classy eating place) has been charging RM60 for half of a 'grass fed' poultry. Stark difference vs dining places who would recommend great portions and leave your choice for customers to include on where insufficient.

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