
Picadilly Restaurant


20 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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Picadilly Restaurant Reviews


20 Reviews

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  • Okky Bertadi


    Each time I visit this place, I can't find out what things to eat as this location has from Thai to nearby to western cuisine. The considerable menu will take age range to scan through and soon you weary and just opt for whatever that sounds secure and fast. That said, each dish is really a hit or skip so don't obtain your expectations up too much. Prices are cheap right here and portions are usually good, a fried rice is only going to cost you at RM5. I'll usually choose the meals from the Thai menus which isn't too awful but miss the western cuisine entirely. There is a lot of seating accessible whether you're searching for an atmosphere conditioned or yard. As this cafe is situated next to a large drain, there will be an occasional unpleasant odor from the storm drain which ruins my urge for food. This is also a favorite place for football matches because they offer cheap beer towers (watered down needless to say) and a lot of tv screens. Car parking is in the building that is a little darkish and dodgy for women coming alone.

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  • Helmy


    Affordability food that taste great is what you may expect here. It really is situated at LG flooring of millennium square. They will have a great great selection of food right here which includes Thai, Japanese, regional, Chinese, Indian cuisine. I tried the poultry chop that is RM10.90 and the part is big. Their briyani can be worth mentioning.

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  • Lia Faminiano


    Therefore being vegetarian my options of food is quite limited but Piccadilly supplies a variety of selection of foods. It's fairly vegan friendly. Some meals are excellent however, many just average. I'm yet to use their mango sticky rice. Hope they are able to develop some vegan Thai food

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  • Bryan Serrano


    Labeled as the top quality mamak, this restaurant established fact because of its menu. The substantial menu offers from Asian to Western foods, remembering the dessert list. Famous for its inexpensive alcohol, several locals choose this restaurant as a hook up spot to catch upward more than a beer tower which may set you back RM50. Rumor provides it that the alcoholic beverages will be watered down, but that's that you should judge. Given my alcoholic beverages tolerance degree, I did so get tipsy following a few glasses. Individually, this restaurant is my go-to place whenever we are out past due at night because they open till later and is quickly reachable by means of the Federal Highway. Situated near by Digital Mall and Asia Jaya LRT Station, obtaining there's never an issue. It's a good open air concept, thus be prepared to be inhaling Plenty of cigarette smoke. Obtaining a seat isn't issue however the place is continually crowded with young teens, mostly there to capture the game, in addition to a fair quantity of adults. Waiting time is brief, the food attained our tables significantly less than five minutes upon ordering however the service might use with some improvement particularly when it's period for the bill. Pricing wise, you obtain what you purchase except for several items on the menus. I wouldn't recommend the Crimson Ruby dessert and the thin crusty naans (which are said to be fluffy and thick). Most likely the most severe I have ever endured but certainly do attempt their ABC Specific, it's your regular ABC topped with an enormous scoop of vanilla ice lotion for only RM4.50!

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  • Crizel Pineda


    So, this is among the places that is quite good with regards to choices and price. I knew this back quite a while ago. A few days ago, I emerged right here with Meow after function. Thank heavens for no jam. =P It took bout a quarter-hour from Midvalley to access this location*without jam*. Were able to find car parking in the basement. It had been Meow's first-time. He stated it's pretty big like it's just relatively a middle income mamak. Oh well, remarks comments. Nevertheless, we simply randomly picked a desk and sat down. He had been shocked to start to see the level of items on that. You can find total of 840 products including drinks & desserts. It had been my first time viewing him clueless on which to eat for supper. Hence, success to Picadilly to make him that way. After flipping and turning pages, he went with thai while i as usual opt for western. He chose tom yum poultry soup and spicy fried sticky noodles. I chose lamb chop. My beverage has been ChaTime which he 'tapau-ed' for me personally =P The waiting time was between 10-20 mins. The beverage for Meow had been Apple juice. Nothing specific. Tom yum soup had not been too shabby. Much better than some mamak's (some mamak used plenty of msg/seasoning). The elements were on the common level. Then arrived in his sticky noodle factor. It looks like a little part but it's quite big result in it's just sticky. =S he mentioned it's spicy however, not the 'sweat such as a pig' spicy. So that it was still alright for him. My lamp chop has been quite a big part for me. There have been fries and mix fried vege (carrot, broccoli & french coffee beans). I chose mushroom sauce. It had been quite great as there have been 3 bits of lamb chop (some areas only gave 2 parts). It's nicely done. Not as well oily or chewy. Overall experience : 4/5 Price Rating : 5/5 (Cheap, affordable and tasty!)

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Picadilly Restaurant Location

LG006 & LG007, Millennium Square Dataran Millennium PJ, 98, Jalan 14/1 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

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Picadilly Restaurant is located at LG006 & LG007, Millennium Square Dataran Millennium PJ, 98, Jalan 14/1 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Hot Dog restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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