
Nyonya Signature


7 Reviews



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Nyonya Signature Location

4 Jalan Ss 23/11, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia

Nyonya Signature is located at 4 Jalan Ss 23/11, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Nyonya Signature is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Nyonya Signature is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Nyonya Signature that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-7804 2778.

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Nyonya Signature Reviews


7 Reviews

  • Zeynep Aslanlı


    I grew up eating plenty of Nyonya food simply because my home was near Penang. Therefore, finding one that is actually great in KL is actually something to be joyful about. Nyonya Signature is not any five-star fine-dining eating place. It's no frills, simple,casual, very typical regional neighbourhood restaurant that acts value-for-money meals. For what we purchase, we get a excellent Nyonya meal and that is exactly what it matters. The restaurant is 2 stories that may accommodate roughly about 14-15 tables. They offer Nyonya meals such as for example curry fish, otak-otak that's really tasty. The desserts are actually yummy as well. We'd a table with 7 grownups and a kid and the bill found around RM100. Quite excellent deal I'd say.

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  • Atilla


    We went there this past year and ordered assam seafood head and they acts us Grouper seafood. It had been good and we consume it with sambal belacan that makes it better. The pandan wrap poultry and fish Cake can be good. The lady fingertips goes wellwith belacan. However ,occasionally the fish aren't so fresh. This will depend on your luck.

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  • Mindasanita


    This one 1 1/2 storey restaurant serves excellent and authentic nyonya food in a decorated environment reflecting days gone by. They a big selection of every nyonya dish it is possible to think of and an excellent affordability set lunch that was included with desert aswell.The penang hokkien med that l tried was extremely unusually delicious with two big prawns. Prices have become reasonable. You could have a private functionality on the mezzanine flooring.

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  • Anisayz


    We were taken there by family members who knew we liked nyonya foods. This is a large dual shop, properly decorated, with a more substantial than life-size rickshaw using one side, along with other paintings around the wall space. One has to learn what meals the chef right here excelsin, as some weren't as effective as others. The ju-hu char, for instance, had not been really authentic. Sadly, they overcharged us with a dish that was not served. This is not realised until past due that night. However when asked the very next day, they willingly came back the surplus amount charged.

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    Char kuay teow: very good with "wok-hei" Cincau: average, drinking water tasted slightly like plain tap water Curry mee: pretty fine, light and mild Cincau: enjoyable plus they use palm glucose rather than brown sugar

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