
Kyochon 1991


4 Reviews



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Kyochon 1991 Reviews


4 Reviews

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  • Dontjumpbrey


    After a long trip to work I'd chosen this spot, which draws crowds in week-ends . . . should be good. Korean food . . . this can do nicely, many thanks. The menus was a surprise . . . but everything will probably be worth a try (there is also two 'traditional' dishes concealed on the trunk page) Salsal chicken strips, kimchi rice with fried egg and "Premium Wellness Tea" . . . a lot more than I'd wished to spend but attempt anything once. Half the cafe was closed off therefore the waiter wished to seat myself at a desk of four . . . with two occupants already there . . . simply no, many thanks. So they exposed the second area and promptly began packing individuals in like sardines because they arrived. The man sitting close to me had great after shave - an easy task to scent at such near range. The chicken strips were goo, not excellent, good. Much better than KFC . . . yes. Worthy of the fuss of cost? No. Kimchi rice has been warm. Not popular. Warm. Favour had been ok. The "Superior" tea for rm8 was a glass of warm water with an ordinary looking teabag inside it. Finish of. Hugely disappointing. Altogether this isn't an event worth repeating. Services was friendly, the great thing about the place. Seriously not impressed

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  • Eloisa Lazaro


    Make sure to come earlier or afterwards to beat the group. Choose the signature Honey Stay (big drum stay) or the spicy glazed poultry. Loving the crunchiness and juiciness and the tenderness!

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  • Pseudónimo De Abacaxi ?


    After a long trip to work I'd chosen this spot, which draws crowds in week-ends . . . should be good. Korean food . . . this can do nicely, many thanks. The menus was a surprise . . . but everything will probably be worth a try (there is also two 'traditional' dishes concealed on the trunk page) Salsal chicken strips, kimchi rice with fried egg and "Premium Wellness Tea" . . . a lot more than I'd wished to spend but attempt anything once. Half the cafe was closed off therefore the waiter wished to seat myself at a desk of four . . . with two occupants already there . . . simply no, many thanks. So they exposed the second area and promptly began packing individuals in like sardines because they arrived. The man sitting close to me had great after shave - an easy task to scent at such near range. The chicken strips were goo, not excellent, good. Much better than KFC . . . yes. Worthy of the fuss of cost? No. Kimchi rice has been warm. Not popular. Warm. Favour had been ok. The "Superior" tea for rm8 was a glass of warm water with an ordinary looking teabag inside it. Finish of. Hugely disappointing. Altogether this isn't an event worth repeating. Services was friendly, the great thing about the place. Seriously not impressed

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  • Daniel Gonzalez Plaza


    Make sure to come earlier or afterwards to beat the group. Choose the signature Honey Stay (big drum stay) or the spicy glazed poultry. Loving the crunchiness and juiciness and the tenderness!

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Kyochon 1991 Location

3, Jalan PJS 11/15 LG2.95, Sunway Pyramid, Bandar Sunway 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

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  • Good for Groups
  • Suitable For Children

Kyochon 1991 is located at 3, Jalan PJS 11/15 LG2.95, Sunway Pyramid, Bandar Sunway 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Korea restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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