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KIMIYA Location

Jalan 17/38, Seksyen 17 Lot L2-22, Seventeen Mall, Petaling Jaya 40150 Malaysia

KIMIYA is located at Jalan 17/38, Seksyen 17 Lot L2-22, Seventeen Mall, Petaling Jaya 40150 Malaysia. This is a Japanese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at KIMIYA is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.KIMIYA is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in KIMIYA that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-5031 3241.

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KIMIYA Reviews


3 Reviews

  • Hendry Chandra


    When I believe of japanese food, I'll head to kimiya. Been patronising kimiya 1st wall plug at Old Klang Street since this past year and visited their 2nd store at Seventeen Mall My usual dish at kimiya will be their sashimi moriwase gozen @ RM53 whilemy child will be her ikura @ RM38 for like 30-40gram only. Got unagi cheese roll @ RM28. Foods and freshness are great here. And when the sashimi aren't new like tuna, I could request to improve them. Service have a while for meals to served especially on weekends lunch time. Insufficient waitress too at period during busy hr as this kimiya will be bigger in capacity compared to the okr one

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  • Burcin Tarhan


    I have been going to kimiya for days gone by 1year now. Very first I visited their store at Avantas and later on one, they open 2nd outlet that is at Seventeen Mall. No problem finding parking at RM 1 for first 2hrs. RM 30 buy in virtually any otherin the mall offers 2hours free parking. First time checking out their ala carte buffet. Only limited period @ Seventeen Mall. Being truly a sashimi and seafood lover, sashimi listed below are fresh specifically their tuna, unlike a whole lot japanese restaurant and 5superstar buffet, tuna sashimi simply by searching at it will be the frozen block kind. Definitely began my dinner with quite a few succulent sashimi. In the event that you choose buffet, Kimiya has 4types to pick from:- butterfish, tuna, salmon and tako (octopus). Clam soup are great too with plenty of Asari sweetness inside it. Fried koebi (small shrimp) and prawn tempura are usually crunchy and good. chawanmushi are clean and silky with ginkgo. Teppanyaki are typical but it’s not really overly salty or drenched with sauce. You can find grilled salmon, Sanma, mackerel, salmon head and shisamo. Shisamo are grilled great and juicy, unlike a whole lot place served dried out, non crunchy soggy shisamo. It’s refreshing and grilled to purchase. Dessert and ice lotion are another must purchase to get rid of your meal. I love their raindrop jelly aka shingen mochi, and powdered rice cake. Rice cake are usually fresh and designed to order. Served 4types ice lotion: vanilla, green tea extract, chocolate and dark sesame. Greatest for me are usually their chocolate and dark sesame. Kimiya buffet can be found 5pm to 10pm from Mon to Sunday limited by 120minutes eating only @ RM69.90. Will certainly come here because of their buffet before it finishes. Kimiya has already been my normal japanese fix eating place as it’s not really noisy and it’s informal for a good meal, and most significantly sashimi are clean and worth for the purchase price I have paid.

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  • Andi Fariza Hediani


    I've visited here 6periods for Kimiya ala carte buffet given that they started it this season. Obviously everything are fresh right here especially sashimi. The only thing want to improve would be even more protein selections food without the rice as you can find alot sushi 🍣 , rolls and dons. Services offers improved and may see a lot more with smiley face. Services are usually prompt in refilling and clearing as well. Hope they will keep on with this ala carats as of this Kimiya outlet

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