
Khunthai Restaurant @ Jalan Gasing


12 Reviews


RM 25 / Person

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Khunthai Restaurant @ Jalan Gasing Reviews


12 Reviews

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  • Mohd Syamil Hasshim


    One of my preferred cuisines is Thai and having experienced the area for a long time now, We used to believe Khuntai was a secure bet. Well any longer. Serving a thorough menu, I discover that the dishes certainly are a strike and skip. I really like the steam seafood but I believed the eco-friendly curry was diluted. Additional dishes worth trying may be the mieng kam. I don't find this everywhere, and at the very least khuntai acts it right. Dinner right here could be noisy and crowded, with plenty of households coming in. Therefore the service is slower in fact it is hard to obtain the waiter's interest. So will I keep coming back here? Possibly. But I'll become sticking to what I understand is good, that is the fish.

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  • Idham Fachrozi


    Given my latest obsession over Thai food, my friends and We ventured into PJ to study what this planned town provides. We discovered KhunThai Cafe which served incredible Thai cuisines that's Halal certified. From the surface, you wouldn't contact it a Chinese or even Thai meals, with attaps this cafe resembles a lot more of a Kampung Eating place but stepping in to the restaurant will inform a different story. The majority of the staffs listed below are Thai rather than Chinese, but communication isn't a concern so fret not. The extensive menus spoils you for choices but I've several guidelines that I follow when ordering Thai meals. Always try their eco-friendly curry, tom yum, pandan poultry, kerabu mango, and any vege of preference. We'd Seafood Tom Yum, mix fried Kai Lan with salted seafood, pandan chicken, chicken eco-friendly curry, and mango salad. The seafood tom yum had a number of seafood meat soaked in the yummy goodness. The soup wasn't too spicy and had the proper stability of sourness and proceeded to go properly with the rice. Nevertheless, the eco-friendly curry lacked coconut milk and experienced a runny consistency that is not how eco-friendly curry is generally prepared. My personal preferred was the pandan poultry that was fried to perfection and had a good fragrant from the pandan simply leaves. Good thing regarding the food here will be that you will get to choose to possess them in little or big dimension. The place could be pretty occupied during supper, so be sure you reserve up if going to in large group.

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  • Bagoes Cahjadi


    Introduced simply by Danny's sister, we went Khunthai for Mom's Day supper. In order to avoid long waiting because it is a Mom's Day 7 days, we have made before reservation. They have at the very least two intermediate a lot; hence, this location is quite spacious. At the entry, Khunthai placed the new seafood for clients to pick. The signature food here were their Tom Yum Seafood Soup and Thai design fried fish. The Tom Yum has been sweet-smelting and incredibly spicy. I would suggest you to combine it with rice, it had been perfect! Nevertheless, another signature, the Thai design fried fish was alright. In accordance with Danny's sister, it may be better in comparison with their previous visit. By the way, in case you are sitting outdoor, you're encouraged to use mosquitoes repellent~ I was bitten by mosquitoes the complete dining period.

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  • Yohanes Janitra


    Khunthai Restaurant where our friends and I'd go if we have been craving for a few Thai food. Truthfully speaking, I'd avoid that area by any means due to the heavy visitors jam! It's less tham half an hour generate, but with the jam it might easily take all of us twice the time to attain the restaurant. Therefore, what's therefore special that people kept going back? The solution: Tom Yum Soup. The soup had been spicy and sour, also it just progress with every bite. These were generous with the spices and elements too. If you want spicy and sour, choose the Thai Style Steamed Seafood. It's another appetizing dish - the aromatic lemongrass within the gravy made all of us consume extra night each time we ordered this. Searching for non-spicy options? They will have pretty good Pandan Poultry, though it wasn't the very best I've had. Overall, I'd say that the prices was fairly reasonable and the meals weren't too bad. The eating place is behind the primary street of Jalan Gasing, dealing with an open up air parking room. You might be in a position to spot it if you are near, but remember to produce a left switch at the traffic lighting; or else you'd be forced to handle the horrific visitors at the roundabout and create a U-turn back again to the restaurant.

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  • Woos Meanie


    This was an extremely nice neighbourhood restaurant. Had been. Good Thai foods and nicely priced. Individuals would result from far off to consume here. However the land proprietors marketed it to a programmer. Now the complete row of stores and restaurants here obtained demolished. I don't understand if Khunthai reopened somewhere else.

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Khunthai Restaurant @ Jalan Gasing Location

Jalan 5/44 Bukit Gasing 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

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Khunthai Restaurant @ Jalan Gasing is located at Jalan 5/44 Bukit Gasing 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Thailand restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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