
Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom


4 Reviews



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Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom Location

Persiaran Lagoon Suite 101, 1/F, The Pinnacle Annex, Bandar Sunway 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia

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Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom is located at Persiaran Lagoon Suite 101, 1/F, The Pinnacle Annex, Bandar Sunway 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. This is a Cantonese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya.The average price range at Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Petaling Jaya area. There are different kinds of food in Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 03-5888 7222.

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Grand Imperial Royale Ballroom Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Kiani Michiko Castro


    Strongly suggested if u r searching for a spot to family gathering upon a weekend, and right here's some strategies for u, make a booking before u go! Since they helps you to save u a desk with great see and less noises. Therefore glad I did so reservation, I visited on a Sunday and raya vacation, I was obtain shocked when I make it happen because I booked 11:30am that is the initial, almost full home when I've reached. Beside, their dimsum is indeed great, it's tasty, must attempt their soup noodles, with a large prawn, We forgot the title, but it's fabulous!

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  • Myla Cadag


    Absolutely rude. Found inquire and reserve for the CNY eve supper and has been greeted rudely by way of a female supervisor who was simply casually standing from the entranceway (scanned us throughout?? and we were actually neatly dressed). We politely requested if we could speak to a person-in-cost and she rudely replied us with a "What would you like? We are hectic". Check out tell her our company and she simply said "complete" without checking. Called the very next day and discovered that there were obtainable chairs for CNY eve. This's understandable if it had been a busy evening( a marriage dinner happened) but it's no excuse to take care of customers rudely .This type of disgrace because the representative of the grand restaurant.

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  • Fei


    Absolutely rude. Found inquire and reserve for the CNY eve supper and has been greeted rudely by way of a female supervisor who was simply casually standing from the entranceway (scanned us throughout?? and we were actually neatly dressed). We politely requested if we could speak to a person-in-cost and she rudely replied us with a "What would you like? We are hectic". Check out tell her our company and she simply said "complete" without checking. Called the very next day and discovered that there were obtainable chairs for CNY eve. This's understandable if it had been a busy evening( a marriage dinner happened) but it's no excuse to take care of customers rudely .This type of disgrace because the representative of the grand restaurant.

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  • SelSel


    Strongly suggested if u r searching for a spot to family gathering upon a weekend, and right here's some strategies for u, make a booking before u go! Since they helps you to save u a desk with great see and less noises. Therefore glad I did so reservation, I visited on a Sunday and raya vacation, I was obtain shocked when I make it happen because I booked 11:30am that is the initial, almost full home when I've reached. Beside, their dimsum is indeed great, it's tasty, must attempt their soup noodles, with a large prawn, We forgot the title, but it's fabulous!

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