
Bone & Pot Steamboat Restaurant


10 Reviews



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Bone & Pot Steamboat Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Caroline Flavia


    Walked directly into this branch from SS25/12 for a popular Steam boat, Good when its a winter.We selected our options with 2 forms of broth - Tom Yam & Bone Marrow . Flavor was above average specifically the bone marrow broth with will come in acorn, We liked the dinner & ambiance with this friend who has simply came back from Switizerland for any occasion.Bone marrow has great nutritional value. Dont waste materials the Bone Marrow. Suck up the fruit juice inside . Price a little steep.

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  • Chen Xiao Yen


    Went to the main one inside Taman Mayang (Jalan SS 25/12, Taman Mayang, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Phone:03-7880 5511). Smallish corner store, no issue getting parking. Just opens for supper, from 5pm. Pleasant ambience, airconditioning might have been better (really was getting a small too warmhalf method through our meal). However the food was excellent - good selection, fresh - superior to those eat-all-you-can sizzling pot locations, but comparatively expensive (but needless to say). Tried the specific pork bone soup, nutrients, will attempt the collagen soup the next time, I believe. Meat slices were much more generous than those in shabu shabu areas - slightly thicker and much more slices per plate. The homemade pork balls which were recommended in additional blogs were outstanding. Prawns had been crunchy and fresh. You need to purchase the soup (RM15) but since there have been only 4 folks, we did not require a refill therefore i am not sure in the event that you are certain to get an unlimited movement of soup. We didn't order the more costly stuff on the menus (abalone, etc.) and we didn't order any drinks apart from 2 bottles of drinking water or dessert - the costs came to simply shy of RM170 for the 4 folks.

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  • Nicholas Seong


    Pork bone soup based hot pot. Ingredients are usually always fresh and designed to order. Soup preferences heavenly. Staff aren't extremely friendly but mainly helpful and vigilant. Cost is reasonable as well for casual dining. We are regular!! Constantly bone&pot of we're considering hotpot :)

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  • Eugenia Tiffany Maria Augusta


    We'd a delicious supper here a couple of days ago. It is a fairly small eating place, so getting seating might be a issue, but we were lucky. We'd the pork bone soup while our broth, and a lot of little meals to dump involved with it. Can'tquite remember just about all that we had, however, many things were outstanding - there is a starter of cubes of fried tofu - that has been amazing, the tofu within has been soft and tasty, also it was wrapped in an exceedingly thin, crispy dough. We ordered another bowl of this since it was so good. We also had another starter of fried bite-sized boneless chicken parts - again, fried to perfection with the crisp, not oily outdoors and tender tasty insides. On the list of dishes we ordered to go in to the soup was thinly sliced bacon - I've never really had boiled bacon before and didn't think it will be nice - nonetheless it was tasty! Cooked actually fast, and was really flavourful. The very best part was drinking the soup by the end - and eating the huge chunks of radish which were in the soup. The radish acquired absorbed all of the different flavours from the laundry and soup, and had been so tasty. A fantastic meal, and a location to visit again!

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  • Deasy Indriani


    I simply had dinner yesterday evening with a friend. Frankly, after reading quite a few reviews concerning the price being truly a bit higher, I don't see what the thing is. The meat flavor fresh rather than frozen. The soup will be good with a good little bit of bone,which nevertheless has some meet onto it. Maybe the ambiance isn't that fancy, specifically upstairs where there is absolutely no nice view through the home windows - keep carefully the blinds closed. I came across it odd they charged rm1 for one glass of drinking water, but what hell! The meals was good.

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Bone & Pot Steamboat Restaurant Location

NO. 88 Jalan Ss 21/62, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia

Bone & Pot Steamboat Restaurant is located at NO. 88 Jalan Ss 21/62, Petaling Jaya 47400 Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Petaling Jaya. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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