
The Melting Pot


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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  • Everyday: 10:00 - 20:00

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The Melting Pot Location

No 64 Jalan Hang Jebat Jonker Street, Melaka 75200 Malaysia

The Melting Pot is located at No 64 Jalan Hang Jebat Jonker Street, Melaka 75200 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Melaka.The average price range at The Melting Pot is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 10:00 - 20:00.The Melting Pot is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Melaka area. There are different kinds of food in The Melting Pot that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 6-288 2678.

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The Melting Pot Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Ales As


    The place isn't great and neither does the meals stand out, but yet, I'd not knock this place. The operation appears to be household run with home design cooking of nyonya meals such as pongteh poultry, otak otak, cincalok omelette. Ifeel they scrimp on elements, so the food might have been method tastier if even more cincalok or ginger/onions have been used. Beverages such as for example soursop were furthermore sparingly infused with the required ingredients but billed on the higher side. You may find yourself here lije we do when other areas were full. Very little conversation between operator and client, therefore no comments can be acquired - or possibly feedback regarded as not needed.

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  • Jason Chen


    The food served here's not tasty and the ingredients used have already been stored for a long time. I purchased prawn platter with fried onions and ginger also it expenses about rm18. Nevertheless, it arrived in a little proportion and used inexpensive ingredients. Not recommendedand won't come again.

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  • Tuğba Öztürk


    Food nothing at all to shout about, purchase their nearby delicacies and western. Nearby food taste are regular with MSG while their Spaghetti assuming were prepared with powder milk rather than new cream which tasted a little funny. Overall I'd skip this very long q during theweekend and revel in way significantly tastier outlets nearby offering their cost range another points down.

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  • Daniel_Pank


    I ran across this restaurant throughout a short visit house and doing the Jonker stroll at night. I will possess guessed that it had been not really going to be considered a good experience once the so known as waitress turned her nasal area at me when I requested herif they offered char kway teow. We'd walked quite a distance therefore we took our probabilities. My rice dish had been very regular. They got the purchase wrong for my child and then took quite a long time to get it perfect. The waitress has been unhelpful and unfriendly. Like dreadful support and I winced at the audacity of the services charge. To add salt to the wound, I compensated this dreadful location two dollars a lot more than billed only to possess the waitress and the supervisor run after my boy and I once we were leaving behind - suggesting I got underpaid. When I described her mistake, not an apology. There's so much good foods in Malacca - this location doesn't come close.

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  • Andrian Steven


    Arrived here for loved ones dinner following a long road journey. The ponteh poultry was superb on the list of cincalok egg and prawns had been tasty, we had been greeted by Shirley Yong our server who was simply very type and gave us individual attention and assistance to order meals.She definitely made our experience a nice and memorable one.

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