
R&J Famous BBQ Venture's


10 Reviews



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R&J Famous BBQ Venture's Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Cindy Sundari


    You need to order the poultry wings! We cherished them so much that people ordered another portion after our supper! And in addition, their homemade chili would be to die for! Have got the chili with everything!! The staff is friendly, and the service is pleasant. We werelate on a weekend break night also it was actually crowded!! Indicate going earlier to defeat the crowd!!

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  • Nurul I


    I have been taking in these wings for at the very least a decade with my wife's loved ones because they are from Melaka, I'm writer of SE Asian meals and have been food preparation and eating Malaysian foods for 28 years..We don't point out this carelessly..."they are my favoritewings on earth". Their crackling crisp pores and skin, garlic wealthy chili sauce and a smoky goodness that's unmatched. To set realistic anticipations...the flavor is easy...that is the point...Jimmy is really a craftsman of charcoal roasting like this individual cooked these wings more than roaring hot Indonesian charcoal and he or she manually spins and basted them into perfection. Now....will they end up being your preferred wings, best can be an opinion, but believe me, they're awesome. Usually my very first meal in Melaka reaches Newton Food Center and these wings are usually always the very first thing I eat. DON'T MISS THEM IN THE EVENT THAT YOU COME TO MELAKA!!!

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  • Reynaldi Rakadinza


    Found this stall from newton food centre. The chicken wings are flawlessly roasted over charcoal! Inexpensive and finger licking great! Must try!

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  • Yohana Sirait


    Jonker food street must move aside because of this amazing location with a wide selection of CHEAP & TASTY regional delicacies! Prices certainly are a fraction of everything you paid in Jonker (4.50 per wing vs 2.50 per wing!) We tried Jonker the night time before andmost of the famous foods things there have deteriorated with regards to taste. Found this amazing put on vacation advisor and found give it a try. Oh boy.... we had been glad that people came! The wings as of this stall are freshly bbq upon order in fact it is crispy externally and juicy within. The chilli sauce really helps to improve the flavor for all those with a choice for spicy stuff. The dog owner has willingly acceded to my obtain a pic to be studied. We have heard that is the just stall in melaka and there's another one that is a duplicate. Am pleased with what i've tried. You can find other food that you might try - bbq sting ray (rm 20), Fried Oyster (rm 15 for big) and curry laksa. We followed the gps navigation also it brought us here accurately. A lot of locals dine right here and the washroom can be decently clean.

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  • Black.peony


    I'm from Melaka and also have been feeding on the wings out of this stall for nearly 10+ years given that they were at Fajar. Currently surviving in Singapore, I am following their stall proceed to Newton and subsequently the opening of a branch at Ujong Pasir, they currentlyonly have one main branch at Newton Food Centre and another at 新天地 at Pandan Malim (Jln Makanan). Beware trigger they will have some branches attempting to duplicate. The wings are crispy externally, juicy inside which I study from the boss Jimmy that it is a trade secret within their marinating process in conjunction with the usage of charcoal for BBQ! Their Chilli is really a combine of garlic plus some secret ingredient that means it is slight spicy and appetising. I provide this stall in Melaka the 5 superstar and must try!

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R&J Famous BBQ Venture's Location

277 Jalan Parameswara Bandar Hilir, Melaka 75000 Malaysia

R&J Famous BBQ Venture's is located at 277 Jalan Parameswara Bandar Hilir, Melaka 75000 Malaysia. This is a Asia restaurant near the Melaka. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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