
Peranakan House


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Peranakan House Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Dea Prameswari


    Me and my huge family was residing in Kuala Lumpur and we made a decision to take a trip to Melaka. The visit guideline brought us to the restaurant for lunch time. He said it's the most famous local cafe in Melaka. We proceeded to go in, and itwas a fairly place and we had been starving because visitors in Melaka was among the worst visitors i've ever seen. Therefore we ordered food instantly, however the food took about 50 % an hour to offered. They kept using our steamed rice despite the fact that we were not surface finish. And the waitress held forgetting our purchase. It took another around 30 minutes for dessert to end up being served. Yes, the meals was pretty good, however the service... Not really much.

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  • Seiryu Ajr


    Having short amount of time for lunch (we'd to depart from Melaka within the afternoon) all of us chose this restaurant since it was near our hotel. But the choice ended up being happy furthermore for the meals and service high quality: the meals served was oneof the very best in our visit to Malaysia, if not really the best. There's been proposed simply because advantageous the group of Peranakan ethnic dishes, for 30 MYR each and every, and actually our expectations were met: the set was great. The set includes white rice with: squid, prawns in spicy sauce, soy sprouts, poultry stew and veggies. Everything was tasty, we left nothing. The arrangement is fairly upper degree: among other activities, you can find the cotton tablecloths on the tables, that is nearly common in Malaysia. The ultimate bill, all inclusive, was about 205 MYR. Home totally recommendable.

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  • Andribld_85


    We were taken up to this cafe by our visit operator Audley within a tour inclusive lunch time. Now I assume it should be cheap. The foods were Cantonese stir fry. Maybe that's what Nonya meals is. Best little bit of eating place were the19th hundred years tiles on to the floor.

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  • Sylvia Widhyati


    Perankanan was previously essential do with any guests I actually took to malacca given its atmosphere and food. Accordingly it had been very disappointing in a recent over time absence to discover the meals iis, at very best average with several dishes including thebeef rendang being properly below average. The thing it nevertheless has going for it really is its location but I'll not be rushing back again. My assumption is certainly that it is become complacent since it continues to be the restaurant of preference for both huge tour groups and specific guides. It really is closed on Tuesday. The meals at Kocik Ngonya Eating place, immediately opposite is way better whilst a trip to the Baba & Nyonya museum (2 blocks outside) given an excellent insight to the look and function of the old Malacca straits Chinese houses.

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  • Adem Atilgan


    What a shame our very first meal upon arriving was therefore disappointing. We arrived near to the finish of lunch hr and were inquired to hurriedly purchase our meals (before we were proven to our table). Therefore, we played it secure and purchased the dishesthat are very common, however they were mostly without taste. Service had not been great either. Aside from the time when the foods was offered and time and energy to pay the costs, the staff had been nowhere to be observed. I believe there’s just a significant amount of hype about Peranakan meals in general.

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Peranakan House Location

107, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Melaka Malaysia

Peranakan House is located at 107, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lock, Melaka Malaysia. This is a Chinese restaurant near the Melaka. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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