
Gather House


4 Reviews



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Gather House Location

No. 1, 1A & 1B, Jalan CU3, Melaka Malaysia

Gather House is located at No. 1, 1A & 1B, Jalan CU3, Melaka Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Melaka.The average price range at Gather House is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Gather House is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Melaka area. There are different kinds of food in Gather House that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact 603355173.

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Gather House Reviews


4 Reviews

  • Nurrachma Fadila


    Found this restaurant inside website list. As it isn't far away from the house, so we made a decision to drive there for lunch time. The area is cosy and homey. Food part is generous rather than salty. We ordered ginger wines mee suah and fried kuey teow,it had been tasty. The dessert had been delicious too. Will come again the next time

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  • Carla Monika


    we visited the restaurant for supper one evening predicated on a recommendation from the friend. the principle has been working being an asian prepare in a higher brow hotel for 18 many years and lastly wanted to shift back again to his home bottom. we camestraight from Penang which includes among the best foods i've actually eaten in this nation & the meals in this restaraunt will be on par or even much better than anything i've consumed over my 6 yrs in this nation. we came back another night because there is no way we're able to leave without trying a few of their other meals. it's really worth the vacation out of city to eat as of this location & i dare state its essential in the event that you live here.

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  • Ratih Kania


    Absolutely fantastic meals! Friendly waiters and waitress, comfortable and chill environment. Ordered 10 meals for my children and each & every one of these is unbelievable tasty! My bf kept stating that the chef includes a great palette that i do need to agreewith him, it isn't salty, not oily, there is nothing bland BUT perfectly stability! We learnt that the top chef, also who owns the restaurant, has 18 years knowledge working as a mind chef in Switzerland plus they even made their very own cheese. Initially we thought "Gather home" specialty is principally desserts BUT don't allow that fool you, they will have AMAZING food aswell. Try out their Yam Prawn (making use of their signature cheese), Organic poultry, German Pork Knuckle !(particular request, one day forward), and Cendol! The purchase price is fairly Cheap and affordable as well. Though it is a little bit saved from the town, but really worth the drive.

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  • Nadia Nuraini


    As the location is small, should go somewhat earlier or later in order to avoid the lunch time crowd. The area is a problem for those not acquainted with the area as it isn't noticeable from the AMJ but certainly worthy of hunting it down. Thefood I'd describe it as even more fusion malaysian /Chinese. Perform try out the nasi lemak, the ginger wines noodle,and the roasted pork fried rice. The cendol can be good aswell but I think it is depends on who's preparing it. The girl host provides generous helping of coconut milk and caramel and therefore helps it be quite wonderful.

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