
The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi


6 Reviews



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  • Sunday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Monday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Tuesday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Wednesday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Thursday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Friday: 00:00 - 24:00
  • Saturday: 00:00 - 24:00

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The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi Reviews


6 Reviews

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  • Andi Yudaraharja


    I sent summer 2019 here with my inside laws, beyond our anticipations. Service was incredible and super clean. Whatever you need you will find within the area- all you have to to pack because of this trip is clothes! Room was strong cleaned each day throughout our 5 day stay. On several occasions we found our clothing folded that people had forgotten to set up our closet. Each goes far beyond and update the neighborhood fruit bowl inside our rooms daily. I could easily justify the purchase price for our remain. Likely to revisit langkawi ritz Carlton as soon as restrictions lift again!

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  • Ilyas Abduttawab


    Perfect location for an enchanting get-away. The beach has been clear and inviting. The grownup pool awesome and refreshing. The meals was superb and the employees was offered by all times. Areas were large and comfy. The meals was absolutely delicious. Therapeutic massage along with other services excellent. You'll certainly feel like you're in the jungle surviving in style; they make one feel so comfy and welcome. Despite a storm that hit while we have there been, it had been cleaned up within hours. Amazing staff! Recommend for a stay static in Langkawi.

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  • Gerry Maramis


    We had an extremely pleasant keep at the Ritz Carlton holiday resort in Langkawi. We came inside June that is low period for the island, thus we virtually for the area to ourselves. The service is personalized and all of the staff have become attentive. I'd like to commend Ellen who personally made us sense very welcome. Many thanks to Stephanie who ensured all our needs had been met for us to really have the greatest stay possible. Also to helpful Khimpee at the Horizon bar whom we'd a great discussion with while experiencing the sunset. It had been unfortunate that the telephone lines were out there of program during our keep which managed to get inconvenient to call the buggy and move from spot to place. And also the air-conditioning inside our room malfunctioning center of the night. Nevertheless the Ritz Carlton group was always on the toes, prepared to resolve the problems quickly.

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  • Yasin Buca


    I sent summer 2019 here with my inside laws, beyond our anticipations. Service was incredible and super clean. Whatever you need you will find within the area- all you have to to pack because of this trip is clothes! Room was strong cleaned each day throughout our 5 day stay. On several occasions we found our clothing folded that people had forgotten to set up our closet. Each goes far beyond and update the neighborhood fruit bowl inside our rooms daily. I could easily justify the purchase price for our remain. Likely to revisit langkawi ritz Carlton as soon as restrictions lift again!

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  • Selcen Bagci


    Perfect location for an enchanting get-away. The beach has been clear and inviting. The grownup pool awesome and refreshing. The meals was superb and the employees was offered by all times. Areas were large and comfy. The meals was absolutely delicious. Therapeutic massage along with other services excellent. You'll certainly feel like you're in the jungle surviving in style; they make one feel so comfy and welcome. Despite a storm that hit while we have there been, it had been cleaned up within hours. Amazing staff! Recommend for a stay static in Langkawi.

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The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi Location

Jalan Pantai Kok, Teluk Nibung, PO Box 199 07000 Langkawi, Kedah Malaysia

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The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi is located at Jalan Pantai Kok, Teluk Nibung, PO Box 199 07000 Langkawi, Kedah Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Langkawi. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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