
The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi


3 Reviews



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The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi Location

61, Jalan Tanjung Rhu, Kampung Padang Lalang, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia

The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi is located at 61, Jalan Tanjung Rhu, Kampung Padang Lalang, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia. This is a International restaurant near the Langkawi.The average price range at The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Langkawi area. There are different kinds of food in The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 17-484 2604.

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The Kelapa Cafe by TRV Langkawi Reviews


3 Reviews

  • M T


    It really is off the beaten monitor and is portion of the TRV locally run home, but gosh it had been worth the vacation from our hotel from Tanjung Rhu Resort. They have a restricted menu, post CMCO, but something for everybody (no local itemson their lunch menu, so go look somewhere else for the nasi lemak) but what I could say is that quite dish was served with pride. Some of what we'd - Green Matcha Pancakes, Tropical Twist French Toast, Salmon Croissant, Prawn Aglio Olio, Ocean Paradise Smoothy Bowl. Each plate appeared as if they packed a small amount of a tropical paradise onto it. The fruits, salmon and prawns were so refreshing and The Kelapa Cafe doesn't stinge on the ingredients. Their platings had been a lot more beautiful and innovative then your 5 star resort we were at. The place itself isn't big, but there are several small nooks and corners to lounge away. Unfortunately there is absolutely no sea view nevertheless, you likely have been on the seaside all day long already, so the insufficient a view is usually compensated by the appeal of the area and its food. Just like most of Langkawi that functions on a universal seaside period, don't expect the meals to come quick and don't come in case you are starving. What I could say will be that the wait will probably be worth the while. To wrap everything up, this concealed gem won't burn a hole inside your wallet and you may understand when you obtain the bill and if you're from KL, where we pay 3x the purchase price for 3x less inside quality. What I do expect them, is they keep up with the quality and satisfaction that is evident within their food and that next time I am back, it'll still taste such as a little heaven on a plate. So if you come in Tanjung Rhu, carry out check them out. In case you are somewhere else with a lot of time on hand, after that it really is worth the drive.

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  • Esra Sen


    Only western cuisine right here... a hidden gem. Simply need to expect a comparatively long await your order to prepare yourself - but surely well worth the wait around. Surprisingly good.

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  • Merjem Rosic


    This cafe includes a slow paced life, hidden inside TRV villas and off the primary road. All seating will be open-air, having an upstairs and downstairs component - it had been too hot therefore we thought we would sit downstairs under the trees and umbrella. Sadly a whole lot ofdishes in the menu were unavailable. Tried the Macintosh n Cheese that was OK, nothing specific. Smoothie Bowl was good. Hopefully more products will be available later on. Staff are friendly good enough, in case a little shy. Costs are higher for Langkawi (needlessly to say for this sort of trendy cafe), similar to KL standard.

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