
Telaga Helab


1 Reviews



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Telaga Helab Location

2b, Jalan Pantai Chenang Langkawi, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia

Telaga Helab is located at 2b, Jalan Pantai Chenang Langkawi, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia. This is a the middle East restaurant near the Langkawi.The average price range at Telaga Helab is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Telaga Helab is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Langkawi area. There are different kinds of food in Telaga Helab that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 4-955 4221.

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Telaga Helab Reviews


1 Reviews

  • Gio Ghazi


    We went here for a big change to the most common Malaysian restaurants inside Langkawi so when we like Center Eastern food. I anticipated that the service will be good as there have been about 4 waiters and about 4 tables at that time. SadlyI had to ask 3 x for our beverages to reach - nothing special, only a tea and a bottle of drinking water. The staff had been mainly congregated behind the restaurant, apparently discussing something in an exceedingly animated manner. The beverages waiter was very occupied speaking with someone on his telephone. I requested grilled poultry and chips; my partner a poultry kebab and a Center Eastern salad. She particularly asked for bits of real chicken which were grilled. When the food ultimately came (they said my poultry too quite a long time to roast, nonetheless it was luke warm - obviously just reheated) it had been a disaster. We had a mountain of chips. I inquired why plus they said the poultry already was included with chips in order I had requested for poultry and chips, I acquired extra chips. My wife’s kebab had not been pieces of chicken however, many reconstructed material involving poultry. When she complained they mentioned she had selected the incorrect kebab but all of the brands had been in Arabic and she acquired emphasized she wanted basic chicken pieces of meats. Unbelievably they forgot her salad and provided her chips as well! We still left half the amount of money and very much of the food. Don’t these people really need to run a cafe? I eat out a whole lot around the globe through work and vacations and this may be the worst experience I've ever had.

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