
Din Cafe


7 Reviews


RM 10 / Person

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Ayer Hangat 07000 Malaysia

open now: 16:00 - 12:00

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Business hours
  • Sunday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Monday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Tuesday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Wednesday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Thursday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Friday: 16:00 - 12:00
  • Saturday: 16:00 - 12:00

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Din Cafe Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Irene Marcela


    I've just returned out of this place and idea it certainly deserved a vacation Advisor review! It's very hidden apart - you'll stick to a narrow street (off the main street) past some homestays, continue steadily to the bottom and head diagonally correct, you'llsee it before you - it generally does not have an indicator. There's plenty of outside seating. The menus isn't referred to in English, however the friendly staff could be more than happy to clarify what everything will be. We purchased the spicy noodles (poultry), spicy rice (poultry) & the carbonara. We went with a secure western option in the event - we didn't have to. The meals was so delicious, the noodle dish has been delicious, recommend this! I popped my go to the trunk area and all components look super new, a chef is operating multiple woks also it smells unreal! The support was quick, personnel were friendly & it had been filled with locals so had an extremely good environment. No thrills, great nearby cuisine, for really cheap. In the event that you go before night time hits, you should have an ace see out onto the ocean. Our 3 meals, a coke & bottle of drinking water found MYR 22.50 - £4.35!!! We have been heading back before we keep Langkawi, they deserve the custom made. Make the journey there, it really is worth it!

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  • Marissa Louise


    I agree with all the current remarks in the review over. This place is great and well well worth a trip. Malaysian food and also a handful of pasta options. Extremely clean and the employees an agreeable and helpful. Lovely place by the seaside. They don’t offer alcoholbut that’s not just a biggie. Well worthy of a trip. Try the fried poultry wings! Yum!!!

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  • Dianseputri93


    My girlfriend and We had the very best food experience inside Langkawi at Din Cafe. Very kind staff, and also better food. Besides an excellent selection of local dishes in addition they offer some western types. It had been a very genuine connection with lifestyle on Langkawi.Would recommend!

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  • Julita


    We visited Din Cafe yesterday since it was nicely on the seaside with a similar create to its better neighbour. To us, it appeared the place is even more for locals (not just a bad thing by itself), however there is no musicand no environment that is something we look for whilst on hols. They don't really serve alcohol, so we ordered fresh apple juice without ice. What arrived had been two cups of HOT apple water - not really drinkable - so wouldn't recommend. Overall, if you prefer a quick, cheap supper and you also don't care about the way the place make one feel choose it👍 Just stay away from the juices🙂.

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  • SongNia


    Awful place. Waited almost an hour for just two juices and two basic meals.personnel don’t have the clue. Shame since it includes a great view.

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Din Cafe Location

Ayer Hangat 07000 Malaysia

Din Cafe is located at Ayer Hangat 07000 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Langkawi. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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