
Chiew Seafood Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Chiew Seafood Restaurant Location

Jalan Pantai Tengah, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia

Chiew Seafood Restaurant is located at Jalan Pantai Tengah, Langkawi 07000 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Langkawi.The average price range at Chiew Seafood Restaurant is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Chiew Seafood Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Langkawi area. There are different kinds of food in Chiew Seafood Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact .

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Chiew Seafood Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Indri S


    For those who have travelled around Malaysia and the far-east, just as much as we do, this location offers average food - both sea-food along with other like noodles, fried rice, etc. To "first-time" foreign visitors - who want to "go local" this might seem a verygood location - good friendly program, the thought of "fresh from the ocean" sea-food at costs foreigners can avoid - as well as chilled beverages and beer. The live life lobster or live seafood presented at your desk for the viewing and order, not be the identical to that served prepared on a plate - nevertheless tasty it tasted. You might be paying for another seafood, per weight-sensible and quality-wise. You can find better chinese dining places on the island. Tip: Most eating place kitckens use aji-no-moto (a good artificial sweetener ) to create food taste excellent - in case you are aware of the consequences of the sweetener, do create a stage that they usually do not increase this inside the dish you ordered. We usually experienced intensive dried out throat and got to drink plenty of liquid to get over the bitter after-flavor in the mouth.

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  • Raymond Tommy Tjahjadi


    i purchase 4 dishes for 6 adults n a youngster. the price is realistic. i compensated around rm130. require the menu. i then found out that the seafood isn't cheap review to mainland.

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  • Yudhistira


    We had a pleasant, good value dinner here. The assistance was quick and polite and the meals was delicious. Excellent prices too. Strongly suggested.

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  • Niken Damayanthy


    I wish my human brain stopped comparing this spot to Orchid... But I simply can't make it. We waited miss our foods although there is only another desk before us. We hardly had very much beef inside our ginger beef... Overall We guess it had been ok.Just not really the best.

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  • Dahay


    The meals was pretty average, and everyone were sitting in the restaurant with the youngsters running around. It sensed like eating in somebody else's dining room. You can find better places.

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