
Kwang Kee Restaurant


2 Reviews



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Kwang Kee Restaurant Reviews


2 Reviews

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  • Mutia Rani


    Every so usually, my friend are certain to get our kakis to visit Kwang Kee inside Kulai because of its suckling pig. He mentioned it's the best he's got tasted and we had been in the same way curious, though the notion of eating a one is'nt thatgreat. But being Chinese so when the word goes" Have mouth area must eat, possess leg must stroll", we made a decision to try. Very first, we googled for the positioning and discovered that Kong Kee is close to Kwang Kee however the address is in the same location. Up coming we explored! Also it was nearly an hour's trip from the Johor Immigration Checkpoint. We travelled the outdated roads and at the previous Kulai city, at the traffic lighting, we took the right become Jalan Manis. On the remaining hand side may be the cafe, but its name will be Kwang Kee. A talk with the proprietor revealed that it's now referred to as Kwang Kee! Kong Kee or Kwang Kee, we arrived right here for the suckling pig! We ordered the suckling pig previous and we asked for the normal kangkong to go along with it. For tea, we'd chrysanthemum tea. The tea and peanuts emerged within minutes and the kang kong came into being 10 minutes later on. The shinning suckling pig came into being 20 minutes later. Initially, the delicious looking suckling pig appeared as if it really is sauteed with dark sauce, but really we believed it had been grilled and the nice dark sauce has been poured over it. And the flavor was fantastic, both kangkong and the suckling pig. The kangkong had been youthful and greenish, fried with several threads of ginger and garlic. The flavor was just right and when not for the primary dish, we're able to have completed a plate each. Discuss the suckling pig, it had been the greatest though I would suggest to the dog owner to depart the dark sauce for all of us to dip rather than pouring all onto the plate. In Genting and somewhere else, we seldom have got suckling pig with lean meats. Here we've and the part was an excessive amount of for us. So we've them packed and required home. Overall, the program was excellent and the nice was nice. I today know why my pal go completely to Kulai to consume suckling pig! The harm was also not an excessive amount of as with GST, the primary dish found around RM262!

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  • Jinilia Irene


    It must end up being at the very least 9 months given that we last visited. Known for this roasted suckling pigs, we've some differences tonight. Pipa duck, Assam seafood, Celery soup, dark pepper prawns to mention a few. The taste isn't dropped, it still tasted great& all 28 folks enjoyed. But the burgandy or merlot wine "Merlot" were as well blend & sweet. Being our continue pit cease from Ipoh heading the path towards Singapore, we recommend to go to them again the next time.

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Kwang Kee Restaurant Location

No. 13 14, & 15, Jalan Manis 2 Taman Manis, Kelapa Sawit 81030 Malaysia

Kwang Kee Restaurant is located at No. 13 14, & 15, Jalan Manis 2 Taman Manis, Kelapa Sawit 81030 Malaysia. This is a Restaurant restaurant near the Kulai. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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