
Fork and Knife Restaurant


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Fork and Knife Restaurant Location

Jalan Setia Raja, Kuching 93350 Malaysia

Fork and Knife Restaurant is located at Jalan Setia Raja, Kuching 93350 Malaysia. This is a Italy restaurant near the Kuching.The average price range at Fork and Knife Restaurant is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Fork and Knife Restaurant is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuching area. There are different kinds of food in Fork and Knife Restaurant that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 82-453 919.

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Fork and Knife Restaurant Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Andy Wijaya


    i love the meals simply of the flavor. my in history fav may be the lamb chops and the the pasta.In case you are lucky good enough to find the lasagna and the poultry wings. something worthy of the attempt for western food fans in kuching. i alsolove the program and the embience will be relaxed for a noiseless tea time but for dinner it is very hectic on weekends.

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  • Julian Mr


    First of just about all I really like the atmosphere, is making use of dim lighting and soft music inside the restaurant. Second of all the food is incredible. I attempted Spaghetti Bolognese and Grilled Poultry Chop. The stuffs are usually helpful and I hv to compliment that, even yet in Muslim's bulan puasa,they still worked accountable and professional. Definitely I'll go to the restaurant again.

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    I love the surroundings here especially during the night. Love the songs. The meals was so damn great. Especially the poultry wings and carbonara. The calamari salad had not been bad. Besides that, the lamb chop had been soooo good. Perhaps you can enhance the choices fordrinks.

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  • Andhika Jalasena


    Staff is arrogant while hell. Pizza took one hour to arrive rather than an individual apology from the staffs. Ignoring when requested ahead over to inquire concerning the food too.

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  • Tiara Mangiwa


    Fork and Knife is among the best western restaurant inside Kuching. We have a family group meal here every fourteen days actually since it's opening this past year. The restaurant is really a family favorite because they serve my wife's favourite rib eye steak, my son's favouritecarbonara pasta and my favourite thin crust pizza. The Caesar salad, crostini, aglio olio, seafood fettuccine and rack of lamb may also be equally as good. We furthermore come back here over and over as the prices is quite reasonable. A rib attention steak costs USD$ 14.00 here, when it costs USD$ 18.00 at other dining places. The pizzas & pastas cost the average USD 5.00 each. The service is exceptional once we are regulars and all of the staff help make it a spot to greet us if we have meals here. We generally feel special if we move there. The proprietors being family friends can be an advantage too. Overall, we price Fork and Knife 10/10 for it's great food, great worth and exceptional assistance. The restaurant is definitely full regardless of what time of the 7 days and period of the month therefore make sure you create reservations; particularly if you're planning to possess dinner right here on a weekend break. A well patronized eating place shows how great the food reaches Fork and Knife. 👍👍👍👍

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