
Ahsoh Buntal Seafood


7 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Ahsoh Buntal Seafood Reviews


7 Reviews

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  • Alda Maulidia


    First things very first, the boss here's super chatty plus some people will dsicover him arrogant in the event that you meet up with him for the very first time (Indeed, he always discusses the ministers that dine inside his restaurant). It is a family-run business unlike the nearby LimHock Ann which includes been very commercialised. Since it is a small company, sometimes they don't possess seafood that you might want to possess. The area may look a little run-down but usually do not fret, it will always be a good substitute for dine here. Aside from the seafood, also, they are well-known for their kampung poultry (you need to pre-order before coming).

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  • Wanda Desti Untari


    Ah-soh Buntal Seafood is really a restaurant that helps make you are feeling you're eating in the home. This very easy village wooden home is truly a family home. The tiny Soh family really lifestyles there. The veranda acts as the dining region for the customers. Foods is cookedin the specific family kitchen area. What's unpretentious will be that the wife may be the just cook and manages your kitchen. Seldom does she possess any cooking area helper. The hubby, fondly known as Ah Kian, will the marketing, taking clients' orders, serving, handling expenses and receiving obligations. Ah Soh can be an affectionate and polite method of addressing Ah Kian, making use of his surname. If you'd prefer personalized program, this is actually the place. We're content with every dish we've used so far. Menu is quite basic. Food range is limited and nothing at all fanciful. But if you'd like something unusual, supply the proprietors about two times' notice to supply the more expensive foods. Provide Ah Kian a contact at 082-846450; 082-846071; 0128901202. After that you can make special menus requests and guide your table. Only a phrase of caution, Ah Kian can often be too chatty and appearance too friendly for a few. We generally find him entertaining along with his endless subjects of conversation. He's simply normally spontaneous and genuinely enthusiastic. Maybe once or twice, we saw him really being informed off and scolded by some irritated clients. Ah Kian is definitely prepared to walk out his way to assist and accommodate customers. I'd give Ah-soh Buntal Seafood a ranking of "outstanding" if its menu supplies a wider variance of items.

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  • Rizky Kiky Syams


    Ah Soh is great place once and for all foods after a day of golf inside Damai. If you would like straight forward answer, it is possible to inquire him anything about individuals or politic in Malaysia, he is able to tell you anything. The yam with fish and salt chicken arehis special dish. Pre-booking is necessary. He is able to turn away customer in the event that you dont like you or even you didnt prebook with him.

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  • Rurianggn


    We often eat here when residing in Kuching...in reality my hubby would happily set up the hammock and stay generally there...he turns up creates his scope for bird viewing orders a glass or two and noodles plus they leave him only...I have the lovely and sourchicken or poultry fried rice ( we not so adventurous eating wise) in no way had a negative meal ...Jason who appears to be doing a lot more of the food preparation now is as effective as his mom...realxed atmosphere,great views and fantastic food...what more would you like ...

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  • Ilah Olil


    Want to feel just like eating in the home? Recommended to go to and dine here. Menus very simple, don't expect any menus handouts or menu reserve. However they dishes are appropriate with reasonable pricing.

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Ahsoh Buntal Seafood Location

Jalan Kampung Buntal, Kuching 93050 Malaysia

Ahsoh Buntal Seafood is located at Jalan Kampung Buntal, Kuching 93050 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Kuching. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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