
Jaman Tory Resepi


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Jaman Tory Resepi Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Rohat Kırak


    We went on the Saturday. We ate a whole lot that night. Every foods up for grabs finished. We purchased the ikan singgang arranged for 8pax. The set possess 2 jugs, free of charge flow drinks that is nice. We had furthermore the sambal tempoyak petai masak. Itwas outstanding. The surroundings was great. Really cozy. Didnt feel very hot at all. Early school too. Some tips: include an empty stomach,you'll want to eat a whole lot there. Though they will have a lot of desk, a reservation is preferred. They will provide a table on top of the floor, which is even more comfy. They required approximately 1 hour to get ready our orders. Therefore, come early in case you have plans afterwards.

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  • Astried Silvanie


    Went for lunch time with hubby. Costs were reasonable. Our expenses were below RM 80. It serves mainly regional food, the primary attraction may be the Patin seafood but it addittionally has poultry, beef, prawns , lekor, fried rice etc. The eating place is decorated with numerous memorabiliafrom olden times eg aged paintings like my grandma utilized to have, old playthings etc . The cafe has air-conditioned and non air-conditioned area so be sure you specify obviously what you want when coming up with reservation. Reservation is extremely encouraged. It had been full whenever we went. They already have another eating region upstairs but opened up for supper only it seems

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  • Anggia Monica


    Among the best restaurant function Patin in Kuantan. Situated outskirt of city (15min to Kuantan town). A little pricey But really vell decorated cafe. Me and wife experienced patin teempoyak and ikan keli goreng for the lunch. But later on we realize that their patinpais is preferred meal. Should come again to use one.

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  • Febrian Sumapraja


    Dropped in with regard to an early dinner on the path to Pekan. That is obviously an area favourite with a reasonably large crowd at 5 something at night. The meals was excellent specifically the patin tempoyak and puyu pekasam. Great spot to eat nearby specialtieswhen in Kuantan.

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  • Hadi


    Typical to hawaii of Pahang - patin and tempoyak. Don’t worry unless you eat these, you nevertheless can order other meals from the menu. Offer you traditional Malay, especially Pahang dishes. Great to try types of these traditional dish.Cost maybe average. Is this thebest location? Not that sure because it depends on personal taste buds. Good to use though. Easy parking.

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Jaman Tory Resepi Location

A15 2/3 Indera Mahkota 2, Kuantan 25200 Malaysia

Jaman Tory Resepi is located at A15 2/3 Indera Mahkota 2, Kuantan 25200 Malaysia. This is a Malaysia restaurant near the Kuantan. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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