
The Georgian Restaurant 4th Floor Harrod's KL


10 Reviews



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The Georgian Restaurant 4th Floor Harrod's KL Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • GourmandGlutton


    We were bought a Harrods Large Tea for the anniversary and attained the Georgian Eating place on the fourth flooring of Harrods expecting something quite classy and exclusive,given its location. The restaurant itself is quite pretty using its Art Deco glass and reliefs. It wasvery clear and seating comfy and properly spaced out. Employees were quite polite, but noticeable within their absence as soon as you had ordered. The Great tea itself was nothing special. There have been turkey, beef, egg and salmon that have been ok but nothing much better than from the local supermarket. I'm vegetarian and the staff members purchased me a vegetarian collection of pepper, artichoke and glowing blue cheese sandwiches. We were holding inedible and also the waiter agreed the personnel wouldn't normally eat them. There have been 3 small finger sized pastries, accompanied by scones, which furthermore were quite ordinary and of worse quality than my local tea shop. The tea arrived and very first cups were served. The pot had been left, but deal with was too sizzling to pick up therefore, as no waiter has been around, I experienced to utilize my napkin in order to avoid burning up my hands. The tea quickly grew to become stewed but I had not been offered a brand new pot also it became undrinkable. We were also charged £7 for just two glasses of water. Girls toilets were dirty with 3 out of 5 seats broken. Unfortunately disappointing and overall not really what I was expecting from this type of supposedly classy place. I'd not Ho back again or recommend to other people.

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  • Nurul Fajriya


    We had gone to the Georgian before for afternoon tea before they refurbished the complete place also it was utterly magical. That is why I made a decision to take my loved ones who have been visiting from the united states for Xmas there for a pleasant English knowledge. And whata disappointment that has been! There is nothing lovely about any of it at all. Incredibly poor in both high quality and volume and the provider was in the same way bad. Rock solid, tasteless scones implemented awful sandwiches. All of the sandwiches cannot even be in comparison to before, let alone complement it. And there have been so handful of them that it had been actually embarrassing. There have been no refills, unlike what we'd been told during booking, so the 11 folks left hungry and dissatisfied. The lovely experience converted into an embarrassing one. NEVER AGAIN!

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  • Raymond Tan


    Three course lunch time for me personally and my companion. We opted for a three training course lunch, not just a large selection but excellent food rather than stingy portions either which we had been expecting. All of the food was clean and incredibly tasty, we had been both very fullby enough time we got dessert. There is a piano participant that played perfectly but looked a little odd like something from the Adams family. The tables and seats were an assortment of designs but went well with the environment, even the children high chair did. The tables acquired a nice quantity of room circular them, so no needing to shift for others to obtain in and out or even to get past, a lot of room for the attentive waiters to assist , check everything was okay and best up your cup for you personally and although there have been plenty of diners it wasn't noisy or rushed. An extremely enjoyable experience.

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  • Taufan Setiawan


    Essential in London to get a afternoon lotion tea. We had not really pre booked and experienced a hard time to locate a place and then examined the the Georgian when going to Harrods and just what a lovey shock! Wonderful service, really welcoming! Beautifully ready justas luxury we wish it. Worth the higher cost since it was a treat!

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  • Atika Tesha Akmal


    Amazing we booked set for afternoon tea just what a fantastic place. On arrival they welcomed us showed us to your table it had been perfect. It had been £60 each but worth it... there is a pianist... the decoration had been breathtaking... Afternoon tea has been just lovely...in the event that you wanted more of anything they might just replenish it had been fresh tasty with either different teas. Focus on detail was just best staff type attentive and friendly. Recommend especially as a delicacy

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The Georgian Restaurant 4th Floor Harrod's KL Location

KLCC 4th Floor, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

The Georgian Restaurant 4th Floor Harrod's KL is located at KLCC 4th Floor, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a France restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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