
Swich Café


10 Reviews



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  • Sunday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 21:00

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Swich Café Reviews


10 Reviews

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  • Sharleen Santos Sadava


    Swich is really a cake shop promoting flavours such as cempedak, mangosteen, salted egg French cheese, jackfruit rather than forgetting our king of fresh fruits, durian. I actually tried the durian cheesecake and cempedak cake on my very first click here although my purpose was to purchase the mangosteen cake. It had been unfortunate that the mangosteen cake has been unavailable. The cempedak cake is definitely pretty good also it was gentle and fluffy. The durian cake however was a significant disappointment. Price wise, it really is quite standard such as other areas. The environment here's quite comforting when there's few patrons specifically with the white chair and tables.

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  • Heidi Ann


    If you want cakes with tropical local fruit, Swich may be the place. They're excellent with producing sponge cakes with fruit-flavoured lotions such as cempedak, durian and mangosteen. I believe I've tried the papaya cake as soon as too. Whoever the mastermind can be behind these cakes, she's really creative :) Oh and when you're on the search for the very best chocolate cake within KL, you might like to cease because Swich's edition is the greatest! They make use of Valrhona and it's extremely fudgy and moist without having to be too cloying. Even though the costs are slightly higher for little slices, it's totally really worth because everything preferences really high-quality.

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  • Anney


    If you value cakes and also have yet to use Swich Café, you then really should stop by the café and try the cakes. They're really GOOD! I especially just like the café within Publika. The area is vivid and cosy, and the servers have become friendly. Among their signature will be the Cempedak Cake - refreshing cempedak, with frosted cempedak lotion and toasted coconut. This might definitely be among the best cake you've ever really tried. However, the espresso was a small amount of disappointed. It wasn't as solid and I think it is to end up being less aromatic. We understand they have a great many other tasty cakes, but We've yet to test most of them. It might probably because of place is quite filled with customers quite often.

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  • Kamy Kamille


    If you're ever strike by a insane craving for cakes, you're likely to want to mind to Swich Café and when you're not, you're nevertheless going to need to arrive here for the novelty of trying a few of their a lot more unique fresh fruit flavored cakes. Swich supplies a tantalizingly tasty mangosteen cake with a moist spongy consistency and topped with generous chunks of mangosteen. I'm very little of a nice tooth but damn, that is one hell of the cake. TRY IT! The rest alone simply isn't worth the trouble of earning the tedious trip towards Publika

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  • Reiji DeeGee


    This is this type of random café that's in the center of no where within a mall. You understand how they will have those small stalls that market jewelleries, sunnies and all that in the center of the mall stroll way? Properly it's something similar to that but on a more impressive level but what's amusing is they sell only beverages and cakes. I assume I'd only find yourself here easily really don't have various other choices of stores to go to!

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Swich Café Location

Publika Shopping Gallery 1 Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Swich Café is located at Publika Shopping Gallery 1 Jalan Dutamas 1 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is a Dessert restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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