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Societe Reviews


2 Reviews

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  • Roby Maulana


    It is a café and restaurant that's situated in klpac, the reknown arts performances invest kuala lumpur. The area will be quite packed whenever there are performances or theatre exhibits going on, but usually during lunchtime the place will be much less crowded. Société is quite hidden in this location, but accessibility and parking accessibility wise there's in fact no issue. I've been here several times and nowadays i returned again for lunch time, which now could be actually write-up gst implementation. Without exception, they will have raised their costs here - sad encounter!!! I had earlier tried their poultry chop, that was fine. Nothing as well fancy, ordinary part and tasted simply alright. Understand that the set of poultry chop with soup and beverage was significantly less than rm20, they have nevertheless raised their price today. So, the poultry rice set dinner that I ordered nowadays costed rm20. Somewhat expensive for poultry rice, but it includes orange juice and springtime rolls as appetisers. Provided the surroundings conditioned dining room, i believe that the price continues to be acceptable. However, the poultry they serve here's not necessarily of my taste choice. Very big portion poultry, but instead tasteless. Orange fruit juice wasn't that great either as it's certainly not refreshing squeezed. It obtained crowded immediately after 1 when sets of visitors came set for lunch. A very important factor good here is they are in a position to arrange their tables for team lunch gatherings. Therefore, if you are searching for an air flow conditioned location or you need to plan lunch time for a large group, you could think about this place. Whether it's for food, after that I'd state that there is not something that's especially extravagant here.

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  • Shindy Lissacago


    Modern society café is tucked inside of KL Pac. This location isn't normally loaded unless there are several activities like drama theatre plays, songs gigs, exhibitions taking place at KL Pac. This location often appears like its shut but it isn't. There aren't many foods on display due to the reduced walk-ins but whenever I stroll in, I'm never disappointed by the meals they assist. Kudos to the Chef! I've attempted their pasta's and also Tom Yam soup that i don't think is poor at all. I love ordering the dried out Tom Yam Bee Hon, if you ask me it's quite tasty for a Bee Hon, when i do not get to taste several tasty ones aside from the one here. There's an Indoor and back yard seating but the best has got to function as outdoor because I reach enjoy the meals, lake AND hear the bird chirping simultaneously. If you prefer a café that's a tiny bit even more on the quiet aspect, Societe may be the place for the escape!

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Societe Location

KL Performing Arts Centre Sentul Park Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Ipoh) Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

Societe is located at KL Performing Arts Centre Sentul Park Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Ipoh) Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. This is a Kafe restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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