
Sam's @ Batai


9 Reviews



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Sam's @ Batai Reviews


9 Reviews

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    There's another Sam's in Medan Damansara. Completely different standards of services level. More helpful and better service therapy on the other hand. Look out for Is usually,Richard and Sean who'll have the ability to smile and take part in a discussion with u.

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  • Ritesh Tiwari


    Emerged here for lunch time on a Saturday. Purchase the finger sandwich. Menus attached. Wanted the complete meal panini because the bread choice. Was told need to RM9 even more bcos the panini will be premium. Great. Settled with the standard whole meal loaf of bread. Sandwich came. Questioned wherewere the fries and salad that has been section of any sandwich food. Was told it isn't area of the finger sandwich. Arrive one. Please burn off your menu. I'm afraid of purchasing the burger. Imagine if I possess to purchase the buns.? Genuine pity when i really like the meals and drink here.

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  • Rahuljpr


    A pal of mine brought me to the place where he even now had a bottle of whiskey there. I made a decision to take a look because I've in no way been generally there before. The place is definitely neither crowded nor noisy, my kind of place for an excellent catchup session. Immediately whenever we stepped in, an employee welcomed us and we had been seated nearly immediately. The support was excellent, the personnel was perfectly trained, polite, and expert. Every time among us finish our beverages, the staff would arrive and refill it for all of us. Also the astray was usually cleaned, that evening the staff transformed the ashtray at the very least 5 times. The meals really was tasty too! I have no idea that which was it but if you wish to check this location out, try their serious fried veggie offered with mint sauce, it's strongly suggested! (As snacks needless to say).

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  • Banu Prathap


    I work close by and keep returning as the food ia very great! Ive come right here in regards to a dozen times. However getting to the staff here's frustrating. I think they're getting pushed to meet product sales targets because before you also finish eating,they're trying to consider your plate apart really abruptly. Or for those who have a few sips still left in your cup, they make an effort to take it away. I spoke to 1 of the managers working as soon as and he stared at me in annoyance. Maube this can wake them around change!

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  • Govinda Agrawal


    4 of us made a decision to come here for a few drinks and meals after work. 3 folks had beers and something folks wanted iced drinking water. The waiter has been unhappy that people ordered iced water also it was slow to reach... we'd to remindhim. After that there have been no refills. They held coming back to inquire if we wanted even more beers, though. We had the poultry wings, toast with some curry - these were great but came inside really tiny portions.

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Sam's @ Batai Location

Jalan Batai Suite 8, Kuala Lumpur 50490 Malaysia

Sam's @ Batai is located at Jalan Batai Suite 8, Kuala Lumpur 50490 Malaysia. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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