
Rise & Shine by Tapestry


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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  • Sunday: 8:00 - 17:30
  • Monday: 8:00 - 16:00
  • Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:00
  • Wednesday: 8:00 - 16:00
  • Thursday: 8:00 - 16:00
  • Friday: 8:00 - 16:00
  • Saturday: 8:00 - 17:30

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Rise & Shine by Tapestry Reviews


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  • Helmy


    Espresso were strong, Chips also it condiment were delicious, really crispy outdoors and soft inside of; baked egg no recommended

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  • AS


    Extremely tastefully decorated at an excellent location! The staffs had been so amazingly friendly!!! Like their vibes!!! The yogurt was good however the seafood burger I ordered had been mediocre. The fillet has been tough and tasteless. The bun tasted extremely bland. The burger had been an enormous letdown. But the rest were great!!!!

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  • Widiani Budiarti


    Saved in the Chow Package neighbourhood within the center of KL lies among our preferred cafes. Not merely do they make mouth watering mains, in addition they make a wicked sit down elsewhere to kick off your entire day. Dish: Smashed Avocado (RM 26.55)Flavor: Perfectly grilled halloumi cheese rested about a bed of refreshing smashed avocados and sliced tomatoes finished with a poached egg and home-made sourdough breads. What even more could we require? The avocados offered the dish an extremely refreshing twist and our preferred has been the poached egg. Some cafes have a tendency to over perform it leading to the egg being prepared inside. This nevertheless, was ideal. It held firm once we pierced it with the knife, after that spilling the tasty yoke within. Dish: French Toast (RM 24.65) Taste: An ideal French toast is the one that provides satisfying crunch while you pierce it with the fork or just running the fork on the surface. Not really overdone to the stage to be burnt yet not really soggy. Here, it had been slightly soggy but nonetheless still tasty with the chocolate crumbs offering the dish a standard bitter-sweet contact to it. Dish: Banana Loaf of bread (RM 20) Taste: The banana loaf of bread alone really was flavourful with a good rich flavour and gently toasted. It was offered with pumpkin kaya and almond butter which we individually didn’t really fancy once we thought it had been tasty enough standalone. On the other hand, to each its. Dish: Mocha (RM 13.28) Taste: Simply the aroma only hit us even prior to the cup touched the desk. Totally adored the latte artwork and rich flavour. Full Review is in ig (@monk3yseendo)

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  • Christine Hendri


    Beautiful place for lunch I vaguely heard about Tapestry however the time I got eventually to find out about this place had been when the house minister delivered me here for an early on pre-birthdat celebration, simply because she understood that I love trying new places. Affirmed, the buildinglooks as an industrial developing from the exterior with high floor-to-roof cup, reddish colored bricks and exposed steel structure.. a magnet for social media marketing influencers. Inside, it had been spacious with great ventilation. Natural light brightened up the complete premise, making the eating experience appears happier and livelier. Everyone seemed busy playing around taking orders, helping dishes... However in very efficient way. It didn't take miss a server to endure right before me when I lifted my hands to demand order. Lunch ◾meatball sub - lamb meatballs with Grana Padano on the sub roll served with the side of onion bands. Lovely flavour and the new rosemary improved the flavour of the sub more. Onion bands provided the crunchy aspect. ◾Fried Poultry - imagine perfectly fried poultry with light sharp and drizzled with honey sriracha sauce & served with aspect of fried and fennel salad. It had been so good that people ordered a second assisting. I swear that I possibly could hear the cracking audio when i sink my teeth in to the skin. ◾Craft beer - Mornington Porter for me personally + glass of house burgandy or merlot wine for her. I'm sure their supper menu is more substantial but I've not got the opportunity to attempt yet, because We seldom go downtown at night or night.

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  • MyKitchen Sima


    Love the ambience ! Impressive. Food was great. Personnel is very attentive. Would like to revisit anytime. We attempted their French Toast and Egg Benedict. Both had been ideal to my palate. Employees couldnt become more helpful. Very pleasant towards the kids, constantly asking if everythingis great, do we are in need of anything else. However usually do not that its a little establishment. And parking can be an issue. But general, worth a visit.

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Rise & Shine by Tapestry Location

No. 28, Jalan Kamunting Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur 50300 Malaysia

Rise & Shine by Tapestry is located at No. 28, Jalan Kamunting Chow Kit, Kuala Lumpur 50300 Malaysia. This is a Vegetarian restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur. This restaurant is very popular and has a good reputation. Many food bloggers also visit this restaurant to make mukbang.

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