
Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang


9 Reviews



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Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang Location

30 Jalan 14/48a, Kuala Lumpur 51000 Malaysia

Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang is located at 30 Jalan 14/48a, Kuala Lumpur 51000 Malaysia. This is a Seafood restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang is around $$,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-4041 3781.

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Restoran Makanan Laut Zhen Liew Siang Reviews


9 Reviews

  • S.n.m E.


    Food here's good. Quite often is full, specifically during lunch and supper. In order to consume in this location during lunch and supper, then better to contact to reserve a desk. Otherwise it'll be a long wait. Their recommendeddishes are fried chicken, curry fish head and steamed sting-ray. Not necessary to possess their recommended dish. Continue exploring setting and try other dishes they provide.

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  • Kusumo Bambang Nugroho


    My family and We visits the eating place at least one time a month. They will have some "must attempt" signature dishes, eg; seafood curry, pork knuckle, sizzling very hot plate prawn and squid, fried chicken wing ... Ambiance: Well, this is a typical Chinese Eating place that don't careabout atmosphere. Customers are offered and dine at the store great deal walkway and roadside. Nevertheless, the restaurant are constantly full during dinner because of the nice food. This may not what suit you if you are searching for quiet and nice eating environment. Note: this is a non-halal restaurant. Ideas: Advanced booking required if you like to sit indoor with air-conditioner.

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  • Irene Wahyudi


    Had a family group outing here. Non-halal Chinese Seafood. Tried the speciality that was squid in banana-leaf, fried chicken legs, Seafood Curry slices, Claypot Beancurd, Environment friendly vege with Nestum Fried prawns..Food was great..The shop could be congested inside and hot in the exterior during noon ..Great cool beer goes good with foods and ambience..

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  • Yüksel Cömert


    It is a popular restaurant and is quite crowded during weekends and public holidays. Suggested to contact to reserve a desk specifically for dinners. Parking might not be a issue as you can find ample public car parking bays beyond your restaurant. The meals is tasty andwe normally order a few of their signature dishes, i.e. curry seafood slices or curry seafood head, fried poultry wings, sizzling popular plate with prawn and squid and roasted pork knuckle. During our latest dinner, as well as the signature dishes as stated, we ordered the scorching plate with bean curd and mince pork, omelette (foo yung tan) and a veggie. The signature meals were delicious however the bean curd and omelette had been a bit disappointing. We will continue steadily to patronize this cafe because of their signature dishes.

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  • Allen L


    Very busy so it is advisable to book desk in advance. We really liked the Claypot Curry Seafood Heads, Lovely & Sour Pork, Long Coffee beans with Salted Eggs, Prawns & Squids Specific Butter Sauce had been all great. We'd recommend. 👍🏻

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