
Pizza Hut


10 Reviews


RM 35 / Person

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Pizza Hut Location

Lot No. 44 Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur 50250 Malaysia

Pizza Hut is located at Lot No. 44 Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur 50250 Malaysia. This is a Pizza restaurant near the Kuala Lumpur.The average price range at Pizza Hut is around RM 35 / Person,and the opening hours are 8:00 - 18:00.Pizza Hut is a well-known gourmet restaurant in the Kuala Lumpur area. There are different kinds of food in Pizza Hut that are worth trying. If you have any questions,please contact +60 3-2148 1226.

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Pizza Hut Reviews


10 Reviews

  • Rully Mariani


    Me and the spouse ate within mod October. The personnel were unhelpful. We had been waiting to end up being seated and although we're able to see 3 people of staff position about 5 meters away chatting, none found chair us until a worker fromthe other finish of the restaurant got to prompt them. In addition they bought another tables purchase to our table. Whenever we told them that had not been our order, the viewed one another to see which desk it should be sent to. They proved helpful it out following a few minutes.

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  • Danish Romeo


    Extremely slower service although there are lots of waiters. Staff appears to have no clue in what they're carrying out or customer support. Avoid this place if you don't are in for an extended wait both to obtain served along with getting your food.

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  • Floriant Ayew


    Went for a desk for four.. said shut... no present for takeaway just which we in fact wanted! Then overheard another person ordering takeaway ... 30 mins await food... questioned for sauces / dips, appeared to be a language barrier ? Amazingly the menus hassauces in - in English! Food cold after 5 min walk back.. actually wasn't an excellent experience at all.

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  • Ria Yuliana Widjaya


    My husband and I made a decision to have dinner outdoors using one of the weekdays...we reached the cafe at TTDI,close to the well-known Taman Tun marketplace around 8.50pm.Just 4-5 tables were occupied throughout that period.We ordered the Place for 2-3 pax...contains a normal pizza,2 mushroom soup,garlicbread plus 2 drinks for just RM30..Affordability!But the only issue was the sounds from the staffs n cooking area...we were seated close to the cashier but we're able to still hear them talking,joking and playing around.Food has been served hot n fresh however the sounds spoiled our dinner.We told my husband that it was similar to a market when compared to a restaurant...even even though they were few patrons,the staffs should act even more decently and become considerate and mindful towards the clients.Informal talks,jokes and playing around should be after functioning hours rather than during store operative time.

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  • Allysh Ahmad


    Spent ages looking forward to a pizza that We had specifically asked for without cheese because I'm vegan plus they spend one hour 30 mins to provide and We pay the driver who had zero change so billed me 40 ringgit to obtain a pizza WITHCHEESE! I'm so angry THIS Location IS A JOKE!

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